Ch.1 Saying Goodbye

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~Hailey's POV~

"Lexi, don't worry I'll be back it's only for a few months."

"I know. But you're going to Australia! We live in Florida. Over 10,000 miles away." Lexi was about to cry. I knew she was happy but when you find out your bestfriend is leaving for 6 months I would be sad to.

"Hey, you have Emily and I'm not your only friend in the world I think you will manage. Where is Emily? Is she with Brett again?" I was upset that she wasn't here, I mean I don't actually leave until tomorrow but she should still be her she has 3 months to be with him and only tomorrow with me.

"Yea your right, but Em is with Brett and Jay. She didn't want to say goodbye it was too hard for her. I understand why though I mean you both grew up with each other since birth pretty much."

"True well, im gonna go get the rest of my stuff. If you want you can stay but you don't have to." I told her I had to finish packing but really I just wanted to be left alone.

"Okay I'm gonna go do some homework before my mom gets home. I love you girl! Bestfriends for infinity?"

"Haha, bestfriends for infinity!" We have this saying and little hand shake thing we do before any of us leave.


I woke up to my alarm clock playing She Looks So Perfect by 5sos. I eventually rolled out of bed managing to get ready.

It was 9:30 by the time i was done.My flight left at 2 so I had at least a few hours until I had to leave. I went down stairs to find all my friends waiting in the kitchen. I only had about 10 friends so it wasn't that big of a deal.

"Heeyyy guys. What's going on?" I was wondering why they were all in my house at 10 in the morning.

"You really thought we were gonna let you leave without saying goodbye?! You must be crazy." Kayla said sarcastically. Why was she even here? She didn't like me, I mean, she was the one who started all the rumors and shit about me.

"Umm well I thought it was only gonna be Em and Lexi. I didn't think that all of you would show up. But thanks for showing! Where's Dylan at?"

"Umm I think he said he was gonna be a little late that's what he told me and Em." Brett spoke up.


A few hours past by and still no sign of Dylan but I didn't really mind. I was having a good time with my friends as it is. I realized it was already 1:15 and I had to be at the airport by 1:30. So, I said goodbye to all my friends and they left. Lexi and Emily stayed behind to come with me.

"Do you have everything? Anything missing?"

"Mom. II'll be fine I already checked like 5 times for everything I have it all." I said laughing a little, she was always so paranoid with everything.

"Okay well I can't go any farther I love you Hailey! Stay out of trouble and stay away from boys!!" Wooww my mom really needs to understand that I'm old enough to take of my self.

"Hailey!! We're gonna miss you so much.. What are we gonna do? You always kept us out of trouble?!" Emily started crying and she was hugging me so hard I thought I was gonna die!

Lexi whispered in my ear, "Hey! Don't listen to your mom go find boys and get me some numbers!" I was laughing same old Lexi I was gonna miss that.


The announcer called which meant I had to leave now. "So, this is goodbye for now. I'll be back in 6 months. None of you better get in trouble or else.... Okay?"

"Haha okay ma'm! We love you Hailey don't forget about us!" Was the last thing I heard from them.

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