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(Authors note! This story is dedicated and centered around my best friend Maggie. We became internet friends last year around December, and met each other this past August at the Where We Are Philly concert. I love her a lot and she's gorgeous. She makes me feel like trash :-) She's in the picture added above in the media area. The picture ties in with this chapter. Don't forget to vote!)

Now alone in the shop, Bayley and I finish our lunch. Trying to comprehend what just happened was hard, but I was doing it. I sat leaned back in my chair, playing with the ends of my hair. When finished, Bayley drove us back to campus for our end of the day classes. In my creative writing class I couldn't focus. My mind shifted back and forth from the script I was supposed to be writing, to Calum, to how excited I was for American Horror Story tonight, back to Calum, then straight to Calum again. Time ticked away, and before I knew it class was over.

I was stopped by Mrs. Rader, my creative writing Professor. She asked what was on my mind, and I avoided discussion. Lying about a lack of sleep and slight headache, she dismissed it. Open gym was next, and I wasn't looking forward to it. I met up with Cara in the locker room and we got ready together.

"Do you have pre wrap?" I asked holding my loose hairs back. Cara tossed me her roll, and I thanked her. After a countless number of basketball drills we actually got to play a pick up game. Unable to concentrate, I missed several passes and lay-ups. At 1:10 we were excused a few minutes early. Cara fixed my messy braid for me, sprayed me multiple times with her coconut body spray, and sent me off to meet Calum. Five minutes later I was seated on a picnic table in the courtyard next to the gym and the communications building.

I sat there for a while, giving me time to down one and a half bottles of water. Just as I was going to forget it and go back to my dorm I hear leaves crunching behind me. I turn to see Calum coming up behind me.

"I'd hug you but I'm sweaty."

"I didn't know you played basketball, that's sweet. Isn't it hard to get on a varsity sport in college? You must be a pro." Calum says sitting on top of the table.

"Runs in my family." I smile up at him. We exchange a comfortable chuckle before his face takes a serious tone. He rubs his hands together and leans forward on his knees.

"I want to talk about the other night." He says, his lips forming a straight line.

"O-okay." I stammer.

"I feel kind of shitty to be honest. You were drunk, and it wasn't right you know? And especially the morning after, I was a dick to you. I should have asked you if you wanted to shower or needed a ride home, and I didn't." He sighs and shakes his head at himself.

"Hey don't be so rough on yourself. Shit happens, and I wasn't expecting the royal treatment. I really didn't deserve it to be honest. And I'm not going to lie to you, I don't regret it. Sorry if that creeps you out but it's true." I say running out of breath. My nervousness was causing me to speak extremely fast. He stays silent for a moment.

"You know Michael's having another party Tomorrow. Maybe you could come?" He asks.


"He held the last party. I'd love it if you came with me, so I could make it up to you in some sense." He smiles. Not taking any time to think, I agree. He says he'll pick me up at my dorm at 8:30. I didn't plan on telling Bayley or Colette was going to another party with him to avoid an argument. Colette will surely be asleep by 9. She has to get up early Saturday mornings for work.

Friday night rolls around quickly. Colette is in her bed scrolling through Twitter. Bayley is out with her boyfriend, so I take this opportunity to get ready in her dorm. Cara was sneaky like me, so she was all over my little plan. I let her curl my hair while I did my makeup. She told me not to do anything stupid, and I took her advice to heart. 8:15 rolled around, and I was just finishing getting dressed. Black jeans, white halter top, and Bayley's chunky arcade boots from top shop. She never wears these things.

"You kind of remind me of Andrea Russett." Cara says cocking her head to the side as I slice my earrings into my second holes.

"Who?" I ask. Cara seems offended and shows me a picture. She makes YouTube videos, that's cool I guess. My phone goes off, and Calum tells me he's downstairs.


"What kind do you want? Calum asks, hand in a cooler full of different types of beer. Telling him to surprise me, he gets me a strawberry ale. I had already taken four shots, and this was my fourth beer of the night. It was only 10:00. Every time Calum opened a bottle for me I watched his biceps flex. He would bite down on his lip hard, and when the cap popped off he'd relax. It was strangely attractive. His hand touched mine while handing me the bottle.

I was currently sitting on the couch with Calum, some kid named Owen I think, and Michaels friend Kian. We chatted comfortably but loudly about keg stands, and how apparently Kian was the master at them. After Calum egged him on for a good fifteen minutes, we went outside to the backyard to watch him do it. I pushed by a touchy feely couple and a few more boys that towered over me before joining them outside. Michael and Owen got his legs, and up he went. 23 seconds later a circle had formed and everyone was cheering for him. When the counting crowd reached 26 he hopped down breathless.

"That was awesome, I've only seen a 17 before." I laugh high-fiving him as he wipes his mouth on his flannel. I suddenly feel an extremely cozy feeling rush over me, and I search around for Calum.

"Heyyyyy! Can I talk to you?" I slur putting my hand around his waist. He laughs and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Of course." He says pulling me to the side of Michaels house.

Arm still tight around his waist, I snake my other arm around to face him. He smiles down at me and asks what I wanted to talk about.

"I want to take about your biceps." I say running my hand up his arm to grip his right muscle.

"Whys that?" He says flexing.

"They're big, and it's a huuuuge turn on." I say dropping my hand.

"Maggie no." Calum says pulling away, causing me to whine. "We're not doing this."

I pout at his words. "Why not?"

When he doesn't give me a solid answer I run my hands down his chest to the waistband of his jeans. He grabs my wrists and removes my hands from their current position.


I cock an eyebrow at him. "I'll just go find Kian then." I say beginning to walk away. Just as I take a few steps he grabs my hand.

"Fine, but we're doing things right this time." He says into my hair before leading me back inside. Before taking me back to his apartment I get another beer into my system.

Calum had only had one shot and two beers, so he considered himself okay to drive. When I sloppily offered to be the designated driver during my third beer, Calum took it into his own hands.


A heated make out session lead to a disposal of clothes. Calum's hands explored my body while I pressed soft kisses to his lips.

"I need you." I whimper on his neck.

In one swift motion he lifted me off the bed and on top of him.

After adjusting his snap back he says, "Go to work."

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