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Alone in my room, I sit on my bed. My phone is plugged in, and I don't even bother to text Calum. Im torn between wanting to apologize to Bayley, or telling her to stop acting like my mother. She's wiser than me, but she doesn't know everything. We became friends back in 10th grade. She went to my rival school, but we both found each other through our love for One Direction. At a football game I was standing in the concession stand line getting a water for my boyfriend at the time, who was playing on the field. I over heard her say something about how she loved the song "Little White Lies" off of their new album. I turned around and we started making conversation on anything and everything One Direction related. We exchanged numbers, then started hanging out all the time. She was always the responsible friend, which I'm grateful for...but times like these it bugged me. Laying down, I thought about all of the memories we shared. She was always there for me when no one else was. Corny right? Defeated, I stand from my bed and scurry to her dorm.

"Bayley, open up. Please." I knock. I wait, and nothing happens. A single tear rolls down my cheek as I turn to walk back to my own dorm. Just as I begin to leave, her door opens.

"What?" She asks, the annoyance is clear in her voice. When I turn around her facial expression changes. She looks at me with sad eyes and let's out a deep sigh.

"Im sorry that I never take your advice. But hear me out on this one." I wipe my eyes. "Calum is different. He apologized for the way he treated me. He's a good guy Bayley, he really is." I go to continue, but she cuts me off with a huge hug.

"You don't need to explain." She says into my hair. She rubs my back before releasing me. "I can be a control freak sometimes. I just want you to be happy you know?" She smiles. All angry feelings seemed to be pushed aside. She invites me to the mall with her to look for some new track sneakers. The day flys by quickly and I find myself ignoring Calum. I send him as quick text before returning to my conversation with Bayley. When my attention shifts back to her she's already looking at me.

"So tell me about him." She says.

"Well, the first time was awful, obviously. The sex was good, but the morning after was far from it. We talked the other day after practice and he felt bad about his actions. He apologized and everything." I smile thinking about it. She notices and smiles herself. "He took me to another party, and well he tried getting me to lay off but let's face it I couldn't. Yet another hookup took place, but this time he treated me like a queen. This morning he took me for breakfast. This is his sweatshirt actually." I say rustling the strings.

She's shaking her head at me with a smug look on her face. "You lucky bastard. I know I'm taken and all but he's hot. Take full advantage." She says breaking out into a laugh. My jaw drops at her vulgar words and I laugh along with her. She pays for her new shoes and we decided to head back to the dorm's to watch movies with Cara and Colette. When we arrive, Colette is just arriving with Cara. She must have picked her up from work. I fill the two in before we all cram into Bayley and Cara's room. We shove the beds together and turn on Netflix. The room seems smaller this way, but it's more fun like this. We're all huddled under a blanket watching Oculus and munching on convenient store candy and Mountain Dew when my phone buzzes.

"It's Calum, he's coming upstairs?" I question as I make my way off the beds and into the hallway. When I reach the end of the hall I see Calum coming up the stairs.

"What the hell." I mumble as I smile to myself. He's holding a single rose in his hand. He's in the same clothes from this morning, but his beanie has been removed and his hair seems to be done.

I look behind me to find my three friends poking their heads out of the dorm.

"Calum." I smile.

"Maggie." He returns it. "I just wanted to bring this to you." He hands me the rose.


I'm a mess. I'm smiling ear to ear. I must look like a clown.

"No reason." He shrugs. Is he being serious? This is not happening, he's so sweet. We exchange a few words before he takes me hand and places a slow kiss to it. He tells me goodbye and goes back downstairs without another word. My jaw must have been hanging out for five minutes now, because when I close my mouth, it's dry.

"What's this?" Cara asks as I shut the door behind me. I smell the rose before setting it down on the table next to the beds.

"No idea, he just wanted to say hi I guess." I giggle.

"With a rose?" Colette asks with a smirk plastered on her face. Still smiling I roll my eyes and plop back down under the covers with my best friends to continue our movie. What a day.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2014 ⏰

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