A Teenage Werewolf With Issues

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School was the last thing a person should be worrying about when their best friend just turned into a werewolf. I was already asleep last night when Stiles snuck in after running after Scott, so I couldn't drown him with questions about anything that happened. Wondering how I managed to get any sleep with everything that was going on? Well, it didn't come without some medicinal help...

"What happened last night?" I asked Stiles as we drove to school.

He sighed and his grip on the wheel tightened, "You should've seen Scott last night, poor guy. Apparently, there is a thing as werewolf hunters, and a group of them stumbled upon our boy in the forest."

I nearly choked on my gum, "What?! Did they hurt him? Is he okay?"

"He's fine, they just shot him in the shoulder from what I've heard." Stiles put me at ease - somewhat, at least, "If Derek didn't show up and saved him, he would've been a goner."

I felt sick just thinking about Scott getting killed. That's something I never want to be a part of; the death of someone I care about. Not again. But speaking of killing...

"Oh, and by the way..." I turned to Stiles before punching him on the arm, "I'm going to kill you!"

"Ow!" He nearly lost control of the jeep as he clutched the spot I hit, "What? Why? What did I do?"

"You left me at the party with no way to get home!" I nearly yelled, "I had to catch a ride with frickin' Derek Hale." He hit the brakes so hard, I nearly hit my head on the dash, "Bloody hell, Stiles! Do you want me in a coma?"

"Derek Hale gave you a ride?!" He shouted, my comment going completely ignored, "Do you know what he is, Riley?!"

"A werewolf, duh," I muttered and slouched back in the seat.

"Not just any werewolf - the werewolf who bit Scott, duh!"

My next words were caught in my throat. I was absolutely sure that Derek was a werewolf, but Derek being the one who bit Scott didn't even cross my mind once. And I was in the same car with him for fifteen minutes tops. I shuddered to think what could have happened if he was just the slightest bit in the mood to hurt me.

"Damn." I breathed and gazed out of the window at the world blurring by, "I took a ride with a possible killer and I didn't even know it. What are the odds?"

"Against you, if you ask me." Stiles added, "Plus, Allison is totally upset that Scott ditched her at the party. I just hope that he has a freakin' brilliant apology planned."

There was no sign of Scott at our usual meeting spot outside the school or at the lockers inside. I was growing concerned after we didn't find him after ten minutes, but Stiles luckily had one more idea of where he could be. I followed him to the locker room, ignoring the fact that I'm a girl and wasn't allowed in there. Some of the guys gave me odd looks, while others like Danny couldn't care less. So many shirtless guys... I had no idea where to look and ended up just staring dead ahead of me.

"Came to check out the real guns, babe?" Jackson smirked my way and leaned against his locker, popping his pecks on purpose to get my attention. The cherry on top? He was only wearing a towel around his waist.

"Yeah." I rolled my eyes, "Where's Scott?"

"Who, McCall?" Mr Assbutt frowned, "Not to crush your dreams, but I've seen his guns; they're 'bout the size of pocket pistols."

He was blocking my way and I was growing annoyed, "Acting like a dick, Jackson, won't make yours bigger. Now excuse me, I only came for Scott."

The rest of the guys 'oohed' and I took my chance to slip underneath the lacrosse captain's arm. His expression was priceless, but I didn't stick around to snap a picture. Stiles was already at Scott's side, the latter's head was in his hands and I immediately knew something was wrong. But before I could ask what the deal was, Scott looked up and met my eyes. In a flash, he was on his feet and I was being suffocated in a bone-crushing hug. He smelled like lacrosse and wood, but I closed my eyes and hugged back.

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