Jail Bail

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On the way back, Scott was furiously doing some research on werewolf burials where wolfsbane was involved. I was occupied with my own thinking, though. How the hell was I supposed to prove Derek innocent when I didn't know myself, to begin with? I'm sure it would totally work if I just march up to Dad saying 'Hey, Dad, so Derek Hale is innocent, but don't ask me how I know because it's just this feeling I get when I look at him'.

Okay, I already knew that animal hairs were found on the part of the body they kept in the morgue for examination; wolf hair to be precise. That helped, right? Derek was human, not a wolf - or at least that's what everybody thought. Well, they found the other half of the body now, and will obviously send it to get analyzed. However, that could take hours and while Derek was in jail, everyone believed that the killer was caught. Dad wouldn't be that much in a hurry to get the results and that meant that Derek would be locked up for longer than anyone would anticipate.

I had some sort of plan. It involved going to the hospital and somehow getting the body analyzed asap. But how to do that was still a plan-in-progress.

"I can't find anything on wolfsbane being used for burial," Scott complained after some time researching.

"Just keep looking." Stiles told him from behind the wheel, "Maybe it's like a ritual or something like they bury you as a wolf. Or maybe it's like a special skill, something you need to learn."

"I'll put it on my to-do list." Scott muttered, "Right underneath figuring out how the hell I'm playing this game tonight."

Shit, the game was tonight. I totally forgot about that while planning a jail bail, "You can't play tonight."

Scott gave me an incredulous look, "Too late now, I'm first line."

"Then talk to Coach."

"Already did. He says it's the perfect way for me to get rid of all that pent-up anger."

I leaned forward and rested my arms on the back of the front seats, "Listen, Scott, you can't play tonight. Trust me on this. If you lose control and shift, everyone will know, Allison included. And then what do you think will happen? She'll run to her parents gushing about her amazing werewolf boyfriend? Her father will skin you and use your fur to make a rug."

He grabbed his head in frustration, "Okay, stop it!"

I flinched back at his sudden outburst, "Stop what? I'm only being straightforward with you."

He shook his head while gripping at his hair, "Stop with everything you're saying; stop saying werewolf, stop saying I can't play, stop bringing up Allison and her father... just stop it!"

"You're gonna have to accept this sooner or later, Scott," Stiles told him sternly.

"I can't."

"Well, you just gonna have to."

"No, I can't breathe!" Scott groaned, "Stop the car!"

I pressed my back flat against the seat, no desire to be near him that moment. The way he was shaking and shifting around were both signs that he was losing it. But what was causing it? Was it something I said? I had a suspicion and grabbed Stiles' backpack, zipping it open to reveal the string with wolfsbane inside.

"You kept it?!" I yelled at my brother.

He hauled up his shoulders in panic, "What was I supposed to do with it?"

There wasn't time to lecture him on all the different things that could go wrong with wolfsbane and a werewolf in the same car. Scott turned to Stiles, his eyes flashed a yellowish-gold as he growled out, "Stop the car!"

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