Skin Tight Shirts and the Big Reveal

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"Riley! Wake up!"

I was shaken awake by an over-energetic Stiles, who threw open my drawers before tossing clothing pieces at my head. There was no dodging it. I sleepily yanked a shirt off my head, staring at him through heavy eyelids, "What's..." I yawned, "What's going on?"

Stiles bounced around my room and chucked a pair of sneakers at me, "Derek's got a lead on the Alpha. We're going!"

Rule number one of having Stiles as a brother: never under any circumstances agree to anything he says when he wakes you up after midnight with that much energy. You'll end up being dragged to the forest to search for dead bodies, which lead to getting bitten by werewolves, and extremely deadly mood swings.

Rule number two of having Stiles as a brother: hide his Adderall.

And rule number three: if rule one and two fails, hope and pray that whatever he's got planned won't get you killed or arrested.

I was entirely awake by the time we were sitting in Derek's car outside his house. Why? Apparently, that was the plan: create a diversion for the Argents while he followed the lead on the Alpha. The entire police force was out looking for Derek and he wasn't sure how much he'd be able to get out of the lead before they find him. If things ended up in pursuit, we must lose the hunters on our tail and find Derek through the police radios - Stiles 'borrowed' one of Dad's for the mission.

"Why do you get to drive?" Stiles complained from the backseat, "And why does Scott get to ride shotgun?"

"Because," I started, "I drove Derek's car before and didn't scratch it - which means he trusts me with it. And Scott didn't hit me with a pair of sneakers when he so rudely woke me up."

I guess Scott and I were okay once again. He finally accepted to help Derek after finding out he has to kill the Alpha to be cured of his werewolf curse. I had to give it to him; he was determined to get Allison back.

While staring into the darkness and keeping a lookout for the hunters, I played with the end of the scarf, thinking about the mark in my neck. It wasn't your average hickey that only bruised a little. It was a full out bite, teeth marks decorating my skin. No doubt it would raise more than suspicion if I showed up at school like that. And not to mention the Argents will probably think that I'm a werewolf if they see it.

"I've got a question, though." Scott fixed his eyes on me, "Why do I get the feeling that you and Derek are close?"

Stiles' head jerked to me, also suddenly interested in the answer, "Yeah, Riley, what's going on between you and the sour-wolf?"

I acted as nonchalant as possible, "Well, for starters, I never framed him for crimes he didn't commit. And then there was the time I saved his life when he was almost killed by the Alpha. Oh, and remember that time you abandoned me at Food Mart? Yeah, he gave me a ride home. We just... understand each other."

"Really?" Scott arched a brow sceptically, "Because I could smell him on you on the night of the full moon. His scent overpowered everything, almost as if..."

"Oh no..." Stiles uttered and scrunched his face, "Please don't tell me you two did it. Because that would be wrong. So very, very wrong!"

I nearly choked on my own breath, "What? No! We didn't do... it. He gave me his jacket a few weeks ago and I've been wearing it ever since. I wouldn't be surprised if his scent merged with mine."

Scott's eyes briefly glanced at my neck covered by the scarf, "Then what's with the scarves recently? You've never liked them, you said they make you feel claustrophobic."

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