The Link - Part 2

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"Lock it! Lock it!" Scott urged once we were inside the school.

I was placed on the floor, my vision came in flashes as I watched them holding the door closed. Stiles slipped out and returned with the bolt cutters to bar the door, which wouldn't hold three seconds once that monster decides to break down the door.

"That won't hold." Scott panicked, "We need to go."

Then Stiles' face appeared in my line of sight, "Riley? Riley, can you hear me? Crap, not this again!"

"Not what again?" Scott stressed as he helped Stiles lifting me up, "This happened before?"

"I don't know, man, but whatever happens to Derek happens to her too," Stiles exclaimed as they ran through the hallway.

They bolted into the first class with an open door. Scott let me go to push the desk against the door, while Stiles cupped my face to get a response out of me. But I couldn't move. An invisible hole was ripped through my chest and it felt as if every breath I took, could be my last. Then not to mention the whirlwind of emotions raging within me - he couldn't be dead. I refused to think that. Derek survived the bullet wound, he could survive this. But then why wasn't he healing? If he was, I would've felt it through this link. It was enough to drive me over the edge of panic, and Stiles grew even more concerned when tears coursed down my cheeks.

"Just hold on. " He told me, "We're gonna find a way to get out of here." He left me at one of the desks to help Scott barricade the door.

I barely heard their conversation that quickly turned into an argument about whether Deaton was indeed the Alpha or not. While Scott was defending his boss Stiles had a valid statement: Deaton disappeared and ten seconds later, that monster showed up and tossed Derek through the air. The scene replayed in my head; the claws tearing through Derek's chest, the look of utter horror on his face, the blood... A sob shook through me when I remembered the blood.

"It's not him." Scott defended Deaton.

"He killed Derek!"

"No!" I began hyperventilating, "He can't be dead... he's not dead... he's not... not..."

Stiles was at my side in a flash, wrapping his arms around me almost painfully tight. Every breath I took, hurt, and the fact that it came out in rapid, painful wheezes, didn't help at all. "Riley, calm down, okay? You have to calm down. Derek's dead - blood spurted out of his mouth. That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead, and we're next."

"Okay, just... what do we do?" Scott muttered, looking at Stiles for help.

My brother let me go and peered out of the window, "We get to my jeep, we get out of here, and you seriously think about quitting your job, good?"

Scott frowned as he glanced down from the window, "Stiles, what's wrong with the hood of your jeep?"

"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong." Stiles followed Scott's eyes and saw what he meant.

"It's bent."

Just as they realized that an object came crashing through the window. I had just enough energy and willpower in me to throw myself out of harm's way, and the object missed me by inches. In the process, I landed on the window shards on the floor, wincing as it pierced through my skin.

"That's my battery..." Stiles muttered as he stared at the thrown object, "We have to move."

Scott agreed, "This way!"

I was lifted again and carried out of the class and down the hall. With the boys' running, I was bouncing limply in Scott's arms, still unable to move. Whatever link this was, I was starting to think that it was more of a disadvantage for me if Derek was the one always getting hurt.

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