Magic Bullet

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The next week went by without any more incidents. I was proud to say that it was a perfectly normal week for me; no chasing after Scott, no more 'mountain lion' attacks, no Derek appearing out of nowhere... The latter didn't actually bother me anymore, but still. I had time to catch up on homework and assignments, spent some time with Dad at the station and spent more than one lunch with Allison for the company. And the cherry on top? We exchanged numbers! She was the first friend I made since Scott and even he didn't really count - we literally took baths together when we were small.

But when you start a new week with Mr Harris giving you a surprise pop quiz, you realize yet again that school was an euphemism for hell. I know I said my Chemistry was the best in the class, but I'd lie if I said that I wasn't sweating blood throughout the quiz. Then there was the incident at the cafeteria where some idiot spilt his yoghurt all over my shirt and jacket - he never apologized, and I was forced to wear a spare hoodie Stiles had with him. And only a hoodie, with nothing except my bra underneath. And when I found out about missing a class while cleaning myself up, I was just about done with school.

Well, at least I got an A on last week's test despite how little I studied. Honestly, how the hell am I supposed to study when my best friend's a werewolf and I'm running after him, trying to keep his ass out of trouble? After stealing a glance at Stiles' test, I sighed in relief when he also got an A. Scott on the other hand... I frowned at the big, red D on the upper right corner of his paper. The teacher even wrote him a note with it. Those were the worst.

Even though I ignored their hushed conversation where Stiles drowned Scott with questions about the Alpha, I couldn't help making a remark, "Gee, Scott, what happened to your usually solid B's?" The look he gave me was enough to have put me six feet underground. I held up my hands in defence, "I was joking. But seriously, Scotland, if you need to study I'll help you."

"I'm studying with Allison after school today." He muttered, "But thanks anyway, Riles."

Stiles perked up in his chair, "That's my boy!"

"We're just studying."

I grinned and quirked an eyebrow, "That's what they all say. Nine months later they say something completely different."

Another look from Scott made my imaginary corpse decay, "We're. Just. Studying. Stop with all the questions and remarks and just... get off my back."

I bit back a snort while Stiles leaned back in his chair, "Done. No more questions. No more talk about the Alpha or Derek. Especially Derek - who still scares me."

The final bell rang. I quickly stuffed the test in my backpack and followed Scott and Stiles out to the hallway. However, just as we made it past the first row of lockers, a sudden sting ripped through my left arm and nearly made me cry in agony. And as if that wasn't strange enough, I suddenly felt lightheaded and couldn't breathe. I screwed my eyes shut and nearly stumbled into the lockers.

"Riley?" Stiles asked in mild concerns and placed both hands on my shoulders, "Riley, are you okay?"

"You don't look so good," Scott added.

I gasped for air and nearly passed out from the sudden hot flushes that washed over my body, "I'm... fine. I'm okay. I think... my blood sugar's just low. Shit, I'm going to throw up..."

"Oh, no, no, no!" Stiles quickly wrapped an arm around my waist and began shuffling with me towards the parking lot where his jeep was parked, "Just swallow it, okay? I'm taking you home. Or do you want to go to the hospital? Do you need a bag to, you know..."

"Just let me sit down."

He nodded rapidly, "Okay, yeah, alright, I can do that."

He helped me into the back of the jeep where I immediately lied down. The whole world was spinning, making me even more nauseous than I already was. What the hell was wrong with me? Stiles almost jumped behind the wheel before starting the engine and reversing out. However, as he stepped on the gas, some idiot must have wandered in front of the jeep. Stiles hit the brakes and I nearly rolled off the seat.

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