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The whole cycle was starting all over again. Just like Scott, I healed within minutes, and it wouldn't be long until my senses would be cranked up to high as well. It was almost dawn when I was sitting at my desk, clean and dressed in a pair of shorts and a hoodie while doing research on supernatural beings with purple eyes. All I found was some weird crossovers between various creatures, hybrids. And something about fairies and mermaids.

"You know, if you are turning into a fairy we're gonna have a problem explaining the wings and sparkles to Dad." Stiles came to mess with me ever so often, "And if you're turning into a mermaid, I hope against all odds you don't 'shift' while driving."

Derek left to get rid of Peter's burnt corpse, the last words he said to me were 'Get some sleep. We'll figure this out later'. It's obvious that I didn't listen. But how could I? I got bitten by a werewolf and no one knows what I'm turning into. Well, at least my body didn't reject the bite. My last resort after my researching didn't bear fruit, was to research the word I was muttering according to Stiles: Melle. Apparently, it was a popular Dutch name that meant 'mighty wolf'. Did that actually mean that I was turning into a werewolf?

I hated not knowing things.

My head turned when I heard my window slide open. Derek slipped in elegantly and paused when seeing me behind my laptop, "I thought I told you to get some rest."

"Well, I haven't been running from hunters and alphas for a couple of hours. I'd consider that resting." I smiled meekly.

He arched an eyebrow, "You do remember I'm an alpha now, right?"

"And you do realize that I'm not going to run from you, but rather after you?" I shot right back, my sass cranked up to maximum, "These past few months have been enough to convince me that none of you could've done this without me helping your asses out at least once."

"Are you forgetting all the times I had to drive your ass home?" A hint of a smile tugged at his lips. Then he held out his hand towards me, "I want to show you something."

I eyed him suspiciously but allowed him to lead me through the window out to the roof. Derek stood behind me, pulling my back flush against his chest. His warmth mixed with mine and created this delicious cocktail of sensations that danced over and through me. I was overly aware of him, overwhelmed by him, and his scent clung to the air like fog. It took every ounce of self-control I had not to throw myself at him that moment. Was this how he felt every time we were together? If that's true, then I admired his self-control.

"Look up." He whispered against my ear.

My breath hitched in my throat upon seeing it. It was that split second between the night ending before the new dawn began. The moon was disappearing behind the horizon, while the sun started to rise from the opposite side. The colors created a panorama of navy blue and soft grey to hazy pastels of orange and gold. After everything we've been through, this was the first time I felt completely happy and satisfied, grateful that we survived to see a new day beginning.

"It's breathtaking." I muttered more to myself, "My mom, she used to wake me up at dawn to watch the sunrise with her. She would've loved this."

"I'm sure she's watching, just like you," Derek spoke against my neck. His hands travelled down my arms and intertwined our fingers. In a beat, he had me turned around and held me close to him. I wanted to ask what this was all about when he slowly started swaying on the sound of dawn breaking.

Heat rose to my cheeks when I realized we were dancing. My arms instinctively reached around his neck as I snuggled my head underneath his chin, "And this?"

"I realized I owed you a dance." His lips moved against my temple, "You missed your first formal to find me."

"And I would do it again if it meant saving your tail, wolfie."

Derek breathed a laugh, fanning my hair to the side, "Let's not jinx it. Can we dance now?"

I chuckled and brushed my lips over the skin of his neck, loving how his stubble grazed against me, "Best formal ever."

In normal fairytales, stories would end with 'and they lived happily ever after'. That's not how I would end this story. This was real life, where werewolves and hunters existed, where literally anyone could be the bad guy - your girlfriend's parents and even the paralyzed victim of arson in the hospital. Within a few hours, I've become a person of interest to the Argent, and I had no doubt that they'll be monitoring my every move until the night of the full moon - a night I already feared. What will I turn into and will I be a threat to the people of Beacon Hills?

So, this story was far from over.

This was merely the calm before the storm.

The End...

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