chapter 10(edited)

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"Let's go to Wimpy"

Connor has been driving around town trying to find the right place to take me to eat, since we didn't spend lunch at school together. His words not mine.

"Yeah that's cool but you should know you don't have to right?" I say flashing him a smile. He has been off for the past few days and I don't know what's wrong but I miss my funny and bubbly Connor.

"No. I have to spend as much time with you, whilst you're still available." He rushed off his voice filled with hurt.

What does he mean by whilst I'm still available? It's not like I'm leaving anytime soon. My parents haven't said anything about moving away or anything and college is still far, so why is he so scared and sad?

"What do you mean about that?" I voice out my thoughts and he starts panicking. I guess he wasn't supposed to say that aloud.

"Never mind." He mumbled and stops at a red light. I turn to him with a scowl, "Spit it out Connor." I threaten and not in a playful way at all. He sighs and open his mouth to answer.

"After Ian and Luke came up with their cupid plan, they came to me and told me about it. I agreed because I thought it would be a great idea because you're a beautiful, talented and wonderful person, not to mention funny. But all in all it meant it won't be the same about our fromance."

"So I wanted to spend as much time with you as I can do when you're finally Jordan's, I won't regret not spending time with you. Because you're one of the best things that ever happened to me and I love and cherish you."

He finishes rambling and parks the car at Wimpy. He turns off the engine and turns to look at me, his brown eyes filled with hurt. I do the only thing I can think of and hug him.

I hug him for 5 minutes straight and kiss his forehead and both cheeks.

"Thank you Connor Styles for being the only person who understands me here. And I want to assure you that no one and nothing can break our fromance.

Angelina took and accepted you even though she knew about our friendship, so the person who is going to accept me will have to deal with us, okay?

So don't worry about anyone, especially Jordan. He has Kimberly and she won't let go without a fight, which I'm not willing to have.

I'm 24% yours okay? Never forget that."

I conclude and playfully punch his arm. He laughs and hugs me.


I take out my phone and read the text from Luke.

Cupid player #2 : where r u?

Me: I'm at wimpy. What's up?

Cupid player #2 :We wanna hang

Me: Three popular guys wanna hang with me? Now that's a first!

Cupid player #2: Actually it's 2 popular guys

Me: Who's missing?

Cupid player #2: I'm always with one person so u guess

Me: Where's Jordan? U guys usually hang together

Cupid player #2: Don't know. Don't care.

I giggle at his response. "Who is it?" Connor questions. "Oh it's Luke. Says that wanna hang." I turn to him as I remember our previous conversation.

"Connor. Is it cool or you want it to be just us two, cause I'm sure they won't mind?" I tread carefully and he seems to ponder over the question. An idea pops up in my mind and I grin widely.

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