Chapter 27

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So, I came to the conclusion that I'm going to continue this book in Jordan's POV. I don't know why, but I prefer writing in his than Lily's. Maybe I'll change once in a while to write in Lily's POV, but our protagonist will now be Jordan. I might change my mind tho, or just continue the whole THEIR series ( yep, it's gonna be a trilogy to be exact) with Jordan being the protagonist, whilst alternating as usual. Anyway do enjoy and tell me what you think and vote, comment and share.


Chapter 27

"Pick up! Jordan pick up your phone right now or you'll see yourself on the next flight to New York!"

I groan as Ian's voice screams from my phone. My hand fumbled, patting the night stand for the black device placed on it. I pick up my head from my pillows and squint at the phone before sliding the answer button and placing the phone in my ear. "Mom." I grumble and lay my head back down, mentally preparing myself for whatever is to come.

The feminine voice at the end of the line clears it's throat. "Jordan. How are you?" She questions in formal a manner and my heart clenches, like it always does when I speak to her. "I'm okay, thanks for asking." I answer. The silence stretches on and I don't bother to break it, she called, she must talk.

You can tell that me and my mom -if you could put it like that- don't exactly get along quite well. Our relationship is more of business partners with some blood mixed in the deal. We didn't always have this kind of mother and son relationship though, we were pretty close back in the day. All changed when my brother got shot in an ambush. My mom lost herself and worked her best to make sure that our 'family business' never suffers again. I'm sure y'all can see what my secret is, if you haven't, let me give to you straight: My dad is a gang leader.


He's the O.G, the Veterano, the President, the Chairman- I think you get the drift and my mom is the gangster moll, or 'gun moll' as Cosmo used to say. Cosmo was my brother, the older and smarter version of me. He was the life of our family and always managed to make us feel like a normal family, which we weren't. Even though my family was normally based in New York, Cosmo was the one who suggested we move to a more quieter place. We came here when I was 10 and he was 17 at the time. Our life was perfect and I lived like a normal kid, made new friends without a worry in the world.

A few years later we were going to New York for the summer and I asked my two best friends to tag along and my parents agreed. We flied there and I was really happy that my friends were there with me. We got to New York and I showed them my castle of a home. I had missed it but moving away was worth it. We did everything teenagers did that was dumb and fun that summer. Luke and Ian didn't know where we got the money, and they never asked, which was a total relief for me.

One night, we were sitting in the dining  table, talking of our day's adventures when bullets rained in to the house. We quickly ducked for cover and shouts, bullets and cries of agony were the only thing I could hear. I quickly ran upstairs, literally dragging my new friends behind me. I wouldn't dare let them die, what would I say to their families? I'm sure saying that they got shot in a gang ambush is not so nice. We got upstairs and I told them to stay there as I ran to my closet and opening my compartment of weapons. You can never be too safe. I pick out my Glock 43X and a G48  before tossing Luke and Ian my two G19's. "Whatever you do, don't come out of this room and shoot only when someone you don't know enters. Remember, shoot to kill." I command them and quickly dash out of the room, before they even think of answering.

The bullets are still going downstairs and the only thing keeping me from staying in that room like a scaredy cat is my family. I have been trained on what to do if something like this happened, but rubber bullets and bullet proof vests aren't included in this one. I hold my gun in a firm grip, keeping my eyes and ears sharp for any danger. I quietly descend the stairs and go downstairs, immediately spotting mom in a fight with one of the intruders wearing a black overall and a matching balaclava with leather gloves and combat boots. She has him in a head lock and is delivering punch after punch after punch into his abdomen. I aim and shoot him in the ear and he goes limp before mom lets him go and looks at me with a proud smile adorning  her face. She has some bruises on her face from receiving punches, but it's nothing too serious. "Next time warn me, you almost stained my dress." She scolded and I rolled my eyes. "Where's Cosmo and dad?" She shrugs and mutters an 'I don't know' before looking around the partially destroyed house. I grab her hand, "Let's go and find them." I give her the G48 and keep the 43X to myself. We make our way to the West wing of the house, killing without mercy on the way. When we get there, sure enough Cosmo and dad are there punching the life out of a guy who's wearing a sadistic smile. "Who sent you here you disgusting piece of shit?!" Cosmo demands, tugging the guy by his shirt. He looks menacing and such a contrast to the guy who was grinning at the dinner table merely an hour before. "He will kill you and be the king. You won't see it coming." The psycho laughs in a sing-song voice and Cosmo growls again before shooting him in that moment. He shoves him to the ground before standing up muttering curses even ruthless gangsters would wince from hearing. We head inside and the damage is not that bad, "Hey lil'bro, you handled that well for your first time, I'm glad." I smile at him and he slings his arm around my shoulder. "This deserves a picture." Mom beams and I roll my eyes, laughing at her.

"Watch out!" The scream startles us and we turn to the stairs to find two mortified guys standing in the stairs. We turn to look at the source of danger when shards of glass fly our way. We duck and dad manages to shoot the guy, declaring us safe once again. I stand up and brush my jeans before turning to Cosmo with a smile. It soon falters when I see the limp body lying on the floor with blood seeping around it and covering the white marble floors. "No no no no no no." I mumble shaking my head, I rush to him and kneel besides him, mumbling the word no non stop. "Cosmo wake up dude. Wake up now." I whisper but get no reaction. "Cosmo wake the fuck up!" I shout shaking him violently. "Wake up dumbass! Wake the fuck up now or I swear to God, I'm gonna kill you! Wake up!" I scream, beating his chest with clenched fists. Bodies tumble next to me muttering the same word I was muttering a few minutes ago. I pound his chest as if to restart the non beating organ on his chest. A sob racks my body when I hear mom's broken cries. I lay my head on his chest sob after sob racking my body. I cry so much, I lose my voice. "Wake up. Please."

That was the last time I went to New York. I never stepped in that city and mom never left it. We grew apart as a family, dad being the only one doing better than most of us even though his eyes are never bright anymore.  He never forgot to visit me here and never forced me to move back to New York, he even let my friends join the gang so they can be there for me and be of help when I need it. My mom on the other hand turned even more ruthless than I had ever seen her. She made sure that that gang was killed, every single one of them and she even made sure she killed the leader herself. She stayed in New York making sure that our gang stayed the strongest, she became the gang leader herself. She was no longer the gang leaders wife, but the gang leader itself. Dad let her be because he didn't want to see her wife go into depression, even though he lost the bubbly version of his wife, he still got to keep her by his side. Me? I lost not only my brother but my mother that day, she became the stoic person she is and we got into fights a lot with her forcing me to go back to New York so I can be 'closer to my brother'. I'm much more closer to Cosmo here than in New York because here is where we were a normal family with no worries of ambushes. This is where Cosmo was a teenage kid and had fun because he was free. I feel more at ease here because it's the only place that holds more sentimental value of my brother than any other place on Earth.

I just wish all could go back to normal.

I check my phone and notice ten minutes have passed in silence with me lost in my thoughts. I was fully awake now and ready for my day to proceed. I sigh, "I'll see you later mom." I state and end the call before she answers. I gave up trying to start a conversation with her because it always ended with a fight and more tensioning than before, why fix something that's broken when you can just throw it away and forget it even existed to begin with?

I get out of bed and head to my bathroom for a long shower to get back some energy. I get out of the bathroom the same time a message alert sounds from my phone. I make a detour to it and see the text is from Ian

Iron Man: If you need me, I'll be at the beach with Lily.

My chest tightens strangely but I ignore it and reply with a simple ok. Lily can do whatever she wants with her life with whoever. I don't care.

How was it? I wrote this chapter today and finished it today because I couldn't focus on my studies. I wanted you guys to see a side of Jordan no one knows and I'm sure it's not something you expected right? Anyway do tell me what you think and I'll appreciate it if you also vote and share my story.

I also hope everyone is safe right now and are making sure to adhere to the rules set out to keep our social distance and stay at home, making sure we're clean and healthy. I really wish everyone survives and lives to tell the tale of how they survived the Covid-19 pandemic. So please guys stay at home and read as many books as you could, because right now fiction is so much better than reality.

Love you guys a lot and please stay safe 😘

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