Chapter 9

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"Ahhhh!!What the actual hell girll?!?!",I yelled,my hand making its way to my forehead while glaring at Zoey,who had a sly smirk on her face.I can't believe that she destroyed that amazing kiss that was gong to take place by headbutting me.Stupid girl,better prepare yourself for my revenge.

After a few minutes of glaring at each other without any of us giving up,I let out a long sigh and make my way to my black lamborghini.She get in the passenger seat and off we go!First destination is to a small comfortable cafe where i usually have my breakfast almost everyday when i'm not home.I get out of the car and quickly go to open the door for her like a gentleman.We go into the cafe to be welcomed by Ms.Jannet,a 75 years old woman who is the owner of the cafe.

"Ohh my dear Zander!Where were you all this time?You didn't come here anymore.Do you know how worried I was??",said Ms.Jannet,crushing me in her motherly hug.I hug her back,smiling at her and told her that i was a bit busy these last days.

"Well now...who's the beauty we have here?You never brought anyone here so i'm gonna believe that she is someone special.",said Ms.Jannet,giving Zoey a warm smile before winking at me.Zoey introduced herself before we were both led to a table of two by Ms.Jannet.

We sit down and Aliana,Ms.Jannet's daughter of 22 years old come to take our order.She is like the sister that I've always wanted.We get along very much and have a lot in common so it was not a problem to pick movie to see together without quarrelling.

"What's up lia?"I said smiling at her.

"Oh nothing interesting in my side...but i can smell something spicy going on in your side.",she said,whispering the last part in my ear before asking for my order.

"The usual..but for two",I said looking at Zoey.She is in deep thought staring at nothing in particular..YEP DEFINITELY WEIRD!!


I have been thinking about dad's behaviour since morning and it's annoying me so much.I don't know what to do...Should i listen to him..or not??But it's wrong if i do..i believe that he has something something to benefit from the Mackenzie family.I think that i'll have to let Zander know about dad..maybe he'll be able to figure out something.

The snap of a finger brings me out of my thought and i look down on the table to see a plate full of exquisite food.An egg benedict....A mouth-watering dish.

Zander paid the bills and we got out to go to our next destination which is a 'surprise'.He blindfolded me on the way before starting the engine.I hesitated but decided to just let it go as i am trying to once again figure out my dad's situation.We had a small talk here and there on the way and i must say that he's quite a funny person to be around with.Soon the engine of the car turned off.I bring my hand to the blindfold,attempting to get rid of it only to be stopped by Zander.

"We're not there yet.We have some walking to do.I'll guide you so trust me,okay?",he said to which i reply,"Okay.."He opens the door and leads me out of the car to somewhere.I can hear a lot of talking so i'm gonna assume it's a public place.At least i know that i'm not gonna be murdered in a forest or something.Suddenly We stopped walking and i quickly remove the blindfold to discover that i'm in a mall..I turned around on my heels to see Zander standing a few metres away from me with towel on his shoulder.Weird enough..

I was starting to make my way to him to tell him about my father when suddenly water erupted from the ground and i was soaked wet.That's when i realise that Zander guided me in the center of a ground water fountain.That piece of shit!!I thought we were getting along well as friends.I am trembling of coldness while that jerk is laughing his ass off.I stomp towards him and stand right in front of him,wanting to know what he has to say.He throws the towel on my face and i remove it while gritting my teeth

"Ohh look people!The ugly duckling finally got to take a bath since years!!",he yells,getting the attention of people.The crowd gathered around us was laughing out loud when suddenly only gasps could be heard.I slapped him.Real hard!!He looks at me,shocked.

"I'm working my ass day and night trying to figure out if my father is plotting something bad against you and that's what i get in return.You know what I DON'T CARE ANYMORE ABOUT YOU!I don't care if someone gonna make you become bankrupt or even if you die.I trusted you...",I said and a tear escaped my eyes at the end.I clear my throat and yell at him,"DON'T YOU EVER SHOW ME YOUR FACE AGAIN!!BASTARD!"With that,i went away.I get into a taxi and head home,ignoring the thousands of calls.Thank god that my phone is water-proof.

As soon as i got home,i went directly in my room,took a shower,wore my pajama,jumped on my bed and drifted off to wonderland.I had a loooonnnnggg tiring day today!


Longest chapter so far!!(870 words).But i'll try to make every chapter about 1000 words or maybe less.I will maybe not be able to update anytime soon cause of exams and all that but i'll try my best.Don't forget to vote and comment.<3

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