Jungcock (pt 14)

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I called Jungkook and he said he was on his way back. We're gonna meet at his place in half an hour or so. I change my clothes into something more daring and rearrange my hair. One last glace in the mirror and I'm on my way to the door.

"Y/N, sweetie, can I talk with you for a second?" My Mom suddenly asks.
"Yeah, sure. What's up?"
"So I see you have a boyfriend yes?"
"You see that correctly, haha."
"Have you guys... you know?"
"Have we what?"
She's not going there is she?
"Have you guys had sexual intercourse?"
"What the... Mom! You can't ask me that!"
"I just don't want you coming and crying over a human growing in that tummy of yours."
"I'm on the pill, chill."
"Wait what? Without telling me?"
"I'm not gonna be pregnant. Now can I go?"
"I want to have a conversation with my daughter, stay."
"Can't. We'll talk later. Byee!" With that I ride to Jungkook, already late.

Why is she so weird? She's my mom, I'm not gonna talk with her about what goes in and out my vagina. Whatever, so Jungkook. What will I even ask him? I have so many questions but first I want him to tell me everything that happened today. After that I'll convince him to stay here in Seoul. That should be relatively easy... He won't leave me, right?

After ten long minutes I arrive at his house. I eye a dark silhouet and just know it's him. Running out of the car I embrace him before my brain even catches up with me.

"Hey babe. Missed me that much?" He smirks.
"Meh, I'm okay", I tease.
"Well, I did miss you. Especially this", he laughs whilst grabbing my butt and I slap him jokingly on the arm.
"Are you gonna invite me in or not?"
"After you."

After a make out session on the couch and some banter I finally ask him about the trip:
"Soo... how was your Mom?"
"Why?" I know why.
"Cause she's dating some man and wants to 'be bonded forever' in my mom's words. It sucks."
"You know, you still didn't tell me about your Mom on our first date..."
"Oh yeah... Okay. So after my Dad left she turned to alcohol for comfort, like my fucking Dad. Nights after night she came home drunk and sometimes even with other men. My aunt couldn't take it anymore and called child support. They took me away from her when I was only nine and I was kept under my aunt's custody until just a couple of months ago, when I turned 18. That's when my Mom made contact with me again. I didn't want to do anything with her but she kept calling and calling and then now I finally saw her, after nine years."

Wow. He's been through stuff. He didn't see his Mom or heard from her for nine years? But I have to convince him to ditch his Mom cause if he loves her again, he'll probably move and leave me.

"Do you still want to see your Mom? After all that she did to you?"
"I... I don't know. She's my Mom, you know? You only get one of those."
"Yeah but, nine years is a long time. You don't even need her, you have me", I try to convince him.
"I don't know... What do you think I should do?"
Am I going to be selfish?
"I think you should just forget about her."
He looks disappointed at me and sighs:
"Maybe you're right..."
"I'm sorry Jungkook but that's just my opinion. Come on, let me cheer you up, okay?
"How?" He asks with a smile, the sadness disappearing immediately.
"Well... we have done a lot but not this one thing..."
"And what is that?" He asks whilst getting closer.
"My mouth and your Jungcock haven't met yet. You wanna introduce them?"
"Fuck yes."

Without a word I get of the couch and on my knees right in front of him. Not losing eye contact I tug at his pants and...

To be continued cause this chapter a bit too long. Sorry for the tease :D

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