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Joel's suit 👆🏽

His lips were against mine and I felt so dirty and disgusting but I couldn't help but feel like I was getting butterflies in my lower stomach as well. All I could do was stay still, I was too afraid. I didn't kiss back but I didn't pull away either. All of a sudden I thought of Chris, and how he is dead and I'm stuck here. It's my obligation to mourn and I am barley thinking of Chris. I'm right here taking care of a bitch who hates me and a dominant man that all of a sudden wants my body.

I was in a rage, what can I do? I don't want his filthy lips on mine. I don't even want him to touch me at all. Before I knew it I pushed him away from me and I wiped my mouth. Before he can even catch me or comprehend what's happening I ran out of his room to mine. I leaned my back against the door and I slid down. Before I knew it I started balling my eyes out. I don't want to be here at all and I'm so afraid.

Why me? Why me? Out of everyone why me? I haven't done anything wrong, I don't deserve this. Chris didn't deserve to die. Jesus Christ I miss Chris so much. I want to be in his arms, I want him to whisper words of encouragement and that I'm going to be okay. He always told me I was strong and if I could handle him then i could handle anything.

What about his mother? She must be so heartbroken, oh my god and his brother. I feel responsible for their heartbreak and for Chris dying. My thoughts were interrupted with a knock at the door. "What." My voice cracked, "Maria—it's Joel. Can I come in?" He asked, "No, Mr. Pimentel I would like to be alone for a while please." I said, he didn't say anything for a bit then he spoke again. "Alright then I'll ask Sam to make me lunch then." He said and I stood up and opened the door. "Don't you dare bother her. She needs to rest." I said and he waltzed inside my room. He sat on my bed and I crossed my arms and looked at him.

"My brothers are coming and I need my clothes steamed, the lab clean, and dinner ready for tonight by eight." He said and I nodded, "Yes sir." I said and I motioned for him to leave. "Your clothes should be here in about an hour so when they come pick a nice dress or something." He told me, "Do I need to tell Sam or..?" I asked, "Shes not attending the dinner." He said, "Why not?" I asked, "She needs to rest and they're not very fond of her." He mocked and I frowned and looked away.

"Um...okay." I mumbled and I was waiting for him to leave, "Look Maria, I'm sorry." He said. "It's whatever, please get out Mr. Pimentel." I said and he stood up and walked to the door, "Also another thing—" he said as he stopped at the doorway. "My brothers and I need your smarts so we'll be needing you for advice on some things regarding our business." He said and left.

I sigh and I put my hair up in a ponytail and I quickly did what he told me to do. An hour after me cleaning his lab, boxes and boxes of clothes arrived and I felt bad for Sam. She said he's never done this for her. I didn't want to look in the boxes just yet so I told Joel to put them in my room.

I made sure his suit was steamed and his shoes were polished to his liking and he was annoying the shit out of me. Just thinking about him made my blood boil. I asked Joel how many brothers he had and he said six. Six brothers?! Joel eats a lot and they're all guys so they must eat a lot too. I asked Joel what he wanted me to make and he didn't care so I'm looking in the fridge like a mad man trying to find something to make for nine people. Samantha is not attending the dinner but I'm still going to make sure she eats.

Before I knew it I was fixing my hair, Joel locked Samantha in her room, and any moment his brothers were going to arrive. I didn't even know he could lock our doors. I was finishing to put on my red lipstick when I heard the door bell ring. I ran out my room and I almost bumped into Joel. "Woah easy there tiger." He chuckled and I apologized. "You look lovely and very classy, I like it. You're very beautiful." He told me and I couldn't help but blush. Did I mention he looked hella good in the suit?

KIDNAPPED: JOEL BOOK IVWhere stories live. Discover now