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This book is dedicated to my amazing friend, Maria she's the main character

"And now this is why algebra is useful outside of high school." I told my class, all the students were bored and not into this lesson at all. Math is great! It's beautiful, I've always loved math. "Ms. Cortez, i still don't understand." A student said, "Well don't forget I tutor after class so you can come when school ends." I said and the bell rang.

I went on from class to class explaining the same thing and as the hours went by the students died even more. I hate snapping at them but you gotta do what you gotta do. In my classroom, I am the boss and I'm not going to let kids slide that easily.

When school ended everyone left and I had an hour break before I have my tutoring class. I know these kids need help and I want to help guide them so they don't have to take this class again and they can be successful. "Looks like you can use a Pepsi." I heard a familiar voice, i looked up from grading quizzes and I rolled my eyes. "I hate Pepsi. You know this." I told Christopher. "It was a joke, my love. I got you Dr. Pepper." He said as he handed me the cold can of soda. "Dr.Pepper is better than Pepsi." I said and he laughed and sat on a students desk.

"Did you hear Marissa is pregnant? She gave me a doctors note before class." Chris said, "Yeah, babe you're late with the chisme. She told me right away." I said and he rolled his eyes. "It's sad watching her turn out like this, she has so much potential." He said and I nodded. "Well I remember when we taught them Sex Ed, we warned them. They didn't listen." I said and he nodded.

I opened the can of Dr. Peoper and i took a sip. "Are you staying after?" I asked him, "Yeah we carpooled so I'm staying in here to bug you." He said and I laughed. "We're still down to go out for dinner after right?" He asked and I nodded. The door opened and we looked at the students walking in. "Ah, look who decided to show up." I teased and I saw Alex, he has bad grades in every class and he's a total goofball. He never listens and I'm quite shocked he's in here for tutoring. But to be honest he is a very sweet kid and he's very intelligent. He reminds me of Chris.

Chris talked with Alex for a bit because he knows more about his story than I do. I walked around the class and I answered the questions the students had. I gave them one on one attention so I can properly understand what they're struggling with. "I have a question but it's not related to math." Abigail raised her hand, "What is it?" I leaned against the board and Chris was right next to me as well. He decided to walk around and help out too since he doesn't mind math.

"When are you guys getting married?" She asked and Chris and I looked at eachother with a shrug. "We haven't started planning yet." Chris said, "But i want y'all to be married before I graduate!" She groaned, "Abigail, I just proposed last month." Chris said and I laughed. "Can we be invited to the wedding?" Another student asked, "Okay guys listen, we are here because we love math and you want to pass math, no? Now start studying. Enough about the wedding. While Chris and I are here we are not engaged, we are co workers." I said and Chris nodded.

"We didn't even know y'all were together until he proposed to you at the pep rally. You can't blame us for that. We all shipped you guys together." Another student said, "I'm gonna ship you all to summer school if I don't hear those pencils on the paper." Chris said and I tried not to laugh. "We hate your class more." Alex said, "Oh come on, chemistry is not that bad." Chris said and I couldn't contain my laughter.

"We want to know your love story." Abigail said and the students all said yeah. "Technically school is over, we are here by choice not by force. We want to know the chisme." Alex said, "We've been together since we both started working here. We met at a meeting for the new teachers a few weeks before school started and he thought it was a good idea to ask me out on a date, i thought he was sweet so I said yes." I said, "Damn Mr. Velez, it took you six years to propose to Ms. Cortez?" A student asked, "Yeah Mr. Velez, why did it take so long?" Another student asked, "Personal reasons." Chris said and I nodded.

"You guys are so inspiring." A teenage girl named Stephanie sighed, "That's like the ultimate dream, this should be a movie or better yet I'm going to write a fanfiction about this but it will be Harry Styles." She said and I giggled. "What do you see in him, Ms. Cortez?" Abigail asked, "He's sweet and he has a good heart. We understand eachother and we have the same visions. Marriage isn't something you should take lightly, guys." I said and Chris joined in, "When it comes to marriage it's like finding your other half, whatever qualities I lack she fills and whatever qualities she lacks I fill." He said, "My other half is a bit on the short side and she's sassy but I mean I love her." He said and he put his arm over my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and I smiled, "My other half pretends he's sixteen again and tries to skateboard. He's a little stupid but I love him too." I said and the whole class awwed. "Mr. Velez dresses all cool and you dress like you're from the fifties." A student said and I almost spit out my soda. Chris started dying in laugher, I glared at him and he shut up. "I like the way I dress." I said as I looked down at my dress, "Ms. Cortez is very beautiful, just the way she is." Chris joined in. "Mr. Velez is very modern and I'm old school I guess." I shrugged, "I prefer the term, vintage." Chris finished with a smile.

"I've never been here before." I told Chris as we walked to the new restaurant near the school. "Me neither, that's why I wanted to check it out." He said as we held hands as we walked to the front door. He opened the door for me and I walked in with him following, it was a pretty fancy restaurant. Not super fancy but it was fancy enough.

After Chris and I ordered we talked about work and about our families. We live together and we work together but we don't see eachother at all so we have things to talk about. "My mom is excited we're visiting her this summer. She really misses you." He told me and I laughed, "We talk like every other day, she's always telling me chisme about her neighbor and everything." I said and he laughed. "Well that's my mom for ya." He said, when we received our food we shared and we cracked jokes the whole night. Tomorrow we planned on going to the beach and getting some sun and then finals are starting soon for the kids.

We walked out of the restaurant and it was dark already, our car was a bit far away. I reached into my purse to grab the car keys and I was pulled forward with so much force. Chris and I looked and it was a man wearing all black. He freaking took my purse, "Go to the car I'll be right back." Chris told me as he ran to go get my purse back. "Fuck—Chris don't!" I yelled and I saw Chris chasing him in a distance, Chris pulled the purse away and they were having a tug of war. I felt a hand over my mouth and on my waist and I started freaking out. I started screaming and kicking but Chris couldn't hear me since I was so far and he was too focused on getting back my purse.

Right before my eyes I saw the robber pull out a gun and shoot Chris. I screamed even louder and I got even more scared. I was being pulled to the van that came out of nowhere and I tried my best to escape to help Chris. I saw his lifeless body on the floor and the man coming back with my purse. I was pushed inside and I was pinned down by two men. "She's a fighter." One of the guys  said, "Not for long." The other one said. The guy that stole my purse threw it inside and he held a syringe. He came close to me and I continued to kick my legs but I was so tired and out of shape.

He neared me and it was hard to look at him properly because my glasses fell off and my tears were making me blind. I felt a sting on my shoulder and my breathing decreased and everything went black.

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If you haven't seen the Erick and Zabdiel book I have written go check them out!

KIDNAPPED: JOEL BOOK IVWhere stories live. Discover now