Coffee Shop 2

18 1 6

He plonked himself into the cushions next to me and promptly turned bright red as he saw my gawking face.

"Hi?", he stuttered, fiddling with his sleeves. My heart immediately melted, he was sooooo cute. Like a puppy that I just wanted to squeeze and protect and love forever. His soft chestnut eyes skittered around the place, like a fawn taking its first steps, finally settling for the space between me and Ally.

"It's not a question. But yeah, hey.", I answered.

He inclined his head slightly as an acknowledgement. Awkward silence descended. I glanced at Ally, silently asking her if he should know about Operation Wingwomen. The abrupt gunshot of her fierce glare immediately scattered those thoughts.

"You guys looked a bit sad and tired so I thought to come and maybe offer you complimentary sugar packets?"

We glanced at Miles, who bless his soul tried to break the silence. He was wearing an earthy green apron over a maroon oversized jumper and cuffed dark jeans. His face commanded comfort, the corners of his mouth perpetually turned up and a soft peaked nose. Add freckles to the mix and boom, Miles, everyone.

"Miles, we're doing an assignment for one of our classes where we have to do a survey on working hours.", Ally explained.

"Oh, classwork, always the harbinger of gloomy faces. So, you want me to do the survey?"

"Yeah!", I answered, taking over from Ally as the penny dropped.

I could see why anyone would like Miles, and huh, I mean, Akash just walked straight into a Miles sized trap. His warm, inviting eyes glittered with joy at my enthusiasm.

Ally's business mode snapped me out of my admiration. "What are your working hours and pay rates?"

"Um, 35 hours a week, so I work 11 to 6 on weekends and on weekdays 2 to 6 but I have to take an hour off at some point. And pay rates? £7 per hours plus tips."

Ally nodded and I could almost envision the tight black pencil skirt, crisp white blouse, striped necktie and clipboard. I nodded along, instead, seeing a flustered penguin in my place. 

"Should I be telling you this? My boss is kinda glaring."

I glanced over to see a tight-lipped woman narrowing her eyes at Miles' company. Which happened to be us.

"Ok, thanks Miles, that was very educational, but my cats need feeding so I gotta go now."

I rose hastily, pulling Ally with me, who poured out apologies. I turned, balls of my feet ready to sprint.

"But, Adi, you don't have cats."

"I do now."

Before I could feel bad about it, I turned on my heel and ran, pulling a very disgruntled Ally with me.


"Did you hear that, Ally? We got the times!"

Our cheeks were red as they puffed out hot breath, obfuscating into clouds in the cool, evening air. We meandered down the street, street lights like halos above benches, illuminating the creepy old men on them.

"Yes! I cannot believe the times fit with Henry's schedule, seeing as though he goes every morning."

"So, they see each other?", I asked, curious as to how they reacted upon seeing their "sworn enemy".

"Not quite, Miles always has Billy, the other waitress. I think she has a crush on him."

I pulled Ally aside before she could walk into someone.

"We should talk to Akash-no Billy, asking her to not take Miles' order."

Ally's green eyes narrowed. She leaned forward to press the back of her hand against my forehead. "That's the second good idea you've had in such a short period of time, are you sure you're ok?"

I wacked her hand away. "Yeah, well get used to it.", I quipped, throwing her a trademark lopsided grin.

Ally mirrored mine with a megawatt smile of her own. "Next phase, talk to Billy and initiate Coffee Cup Messages."

"You did the thing! You named it- OUCH! HEY! GET BACK HERE!"

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