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Ally. Ally. Ally. Where was that girl?

Let me just get one thing straight, I did not want to do this. Well, I mean, I did, but like, I didn't want to be the one to apologise. Yeah, my past self isn't exactly my favourite version of me.

I rushed to the library-sorry, dragged my feet, trying to go as slow as humanly possible. I had checked everywhere, EVERYWHERE, so the library was the last place. UGGGGHHHH. My heart was bound to burst out of its chest as my pre-prepared script dissolved in my mind, fragments of sentences and words, swimming around my brain. 

I took a deeeeeep breath and went in.

I looked around, desperately trying to find Ally, until-


"Oh my goodness, I'm so so-"

It was Ally.


She pushed past me, without giving me a second glance.

"Ally, wait, I- I wanted to apologise."

She spun around, her face unreadable.

"Go on."

"Look, I'm sorry, I should have asked you before taking that rash decision, it was stupid of me and I should have thought about it before doing it. So, I'm sorry."

She stepped forward and wrapped me into a bone-crushing hug. All of a sudden, everything slowed down and I felt f r e e. 

"I forgive you. "

I grinned at her, happy to get my best friend back. 

"BUT, I wanna know one thing."

I went cold.


"Did you succeed?"

I laughed and winked, then tapped my nose with my forefinger.

Twisted Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now