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*sorry for the lateness wasn't exactly feeling up to it but I am now so here you go. Have a lovely day :)*

/////////////3rd person pov/////////////////////

"Hey Miles did you hear about the party?"

Miles looked up from his book. Akash attempted to not catch his breath, much to his dismay, he failed. Miles was in a beige jumper that was too big for him and his glasses were perched on his chestnut brown mane and to be honest it took all Henry had to not do things he didn't want to think about. Not that he liked him or anything. They were...friends. He refused to take part in one of Carrie's enemies to lovers fanfictions. He'd read a few -to check that him and Miles didn't fit the description of course no other reasons-  and he decided that they were nothing like that dynamic anyway. And most authors couldn't even get the nuances of their relationships, cause like they'd need some well-written angst after being enemies for so long and anyway.

"Yeah, I mean everyone's talking about it. It would be hard not to. "

Henry bit back a smile.

"You going?"

Miles grinned. Half-heartedly, Henry batted away the butterflies.

"Depends. Are you?"

"Duuuuuude. You may not have a social life, but I have a reputation to uphold."

"Is that a yes?" Miles batted his eyes at him, mockingly.

Henry didn't even bother trying to bat the butterflies away. He just let them wreak havoc in his stomach.

"Yeah. Whatever." , he mumbled.

Far away, but close enough to overhear, were two smirking people. They high-fived each other and ran away.

///////////////////////Carrie's pov///////////////////////////////////////////////

"Carrie. Take notes. Document the date and exactly what happened. We need a plan. How are we gonna get them alone? You've already taken care of that, albeit in a...different way, but we can move on."

Ally was striding. Ally only strides when she's trying to get rid of a feeling by busying herself with another one. I chased after her, panting.

"Ally. Slow...down..."

"Ah, sorry Carrie, I was getting carried away. Ha carried."

"Yes, very funny. Ally what's wrong?"

"I dunno what's wrong with you."

I stormed in front of her and grabbed her by the shoulders, frustration fuelling my movements, giving me courage.

"Ally. Stop it. What is wrong with you?"

"I'm- look, nothing's wrong, I'm fine."

"Ally, you clearly aren't fine. If you don't wanna talk about it, that's fine, but know that I'm here, I'm your best friend for God's sake, tell me. I'm terrible at figuring out what you need so I'm gonna need you to tell me."

"There you go. You're doing it again."

"I'm doing what? Caring about you, when you refuse to do it yourself?"

"NO Carrie. Stop making it about yourself. It's not about you, it's about me and my problems and you keep saying the wrong thing and hurting me and then covering it up by saying sorry and it happens again and again and I want you to acknowledge that you can't counter everything I say and vent to you by saying you have it worse or you have it so I'll be fine cause its not about you."

She stormed off, tears streaming freely down her face, anguish and anger melting down her cheeks. I stood there, letting the feeling sink in. I wanted to cry, to scream to tear out my own heart and smash mirrors because seven years of bad luck couldn't possibly make it worse. And I want you to know that it seems like I'm exaggerating but everything I was experiencing was a first. The first time you hurt yourself hurts so much more than the next time because its so completely unexpected and new that it hurts. I'd fought with Ally before but the past few weeks had been worse. And it was all my fault. And that's one of the worst feelings in the world, regardless of how many times it had happened. I ran and ran and ran until I couldn't think and maybe it wasn't real and Ally wasn't mad at me and I wasn't such a bad friend. Fleetingly, I wondered if Akash was doing any better than me.

//////////////////////////////Akash's pov////////////////////////

"You're such a nerd."

Miles looked up and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Come onnnnn. Miles I'm sooo bored, how can you do that for so long?"

"You could give it a try. Its called concentrating. Or studying. I think you're teachers would appreciate both."

"God, I wonder how you didn't have any friends."

"Akash. Are you aware that you were the primary factor of my friendless-ness."

"It wasn't that bad. "

"It wasn't that bad, he says. Try stepping into my shoes for once and take me seriously."

"I am. I'm trying."

"Well try harder. You brush off everything I say. I can't believe I have to tell you this but I'm not a kid, Akash. And you're treating me like one."

"I'm not, I swear I didn't mean to-"

"Look, if you don't wanna do this, I'd understand. It wouldn't take much to ditch me anyway, it was just a matter of time."

"Jesus Christ Miles, don't say that. Don't jump to conclusions."

He gathered up his books, dropping them all at least once. At each drop, my heart broke into another piece. I watched him leave. A storm settled on my stomach, churning it, sending my waves of anger and self-hatred crashing into the shore. I sank lower onto the chair. A dull thud resonated as my head hit the desk. A fleeting thought raced through my head. I hoped Carrie was doing better than me.

*can i just say this didn't take the direction i initially thought it would. Surprise angst i guess. hope you lovely people still enjoy then ;) (shameless self promo check out my other stories, including a gay robin hood/ sheriff of Nottingham fanfic and a collection of cute/soft stories) anyhoo toodles*

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