Carrie is a Huge Fangirl

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/////////////////////////carrie's pov////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

*so i'm back after 2 weeks and not entirely sure where this is gonna go so good luck to us all cause we're gonna need it :) have a nice day peeps and merry christmas to those who celebrate*

I was literally bouncing. I mean my flipping OTP locked in a closet *heh*, almost like they were the main characters in an actual wattpad story *heh squared*. Though there was one thought that sobered me completely. What if they murdered each other? Nah, I'm kidding, that would be a confess on deathbed/kiss of life kinda sitch but that was not my biggest fear. No, five minutes later, all my thoughts were centred on one person. The phenomenon that was Ally. There was no way that Ally was gonna find this whole thing as great as I was so I decided to muster up all my courage and give it to her straight *heh cubed*. 

I'm totally kidding. There's no way in actual hell that I would do that. Imma take this secret to my deathbed, whatever it took to make sure Ally didn't realise what I'd done. Of course, me being, well, me, meant that fate or whatever the hell was up there would do everything in its power to spill the beans. 

It was only a matter of time. 

(Yes I am a dramatic-ass bish shut up.)


It was lunch, we were in the Lunch Hall and my nails might as well have just not been there. Trouble had disappeared, probably to pick another victim. Ally was skimming through a textbook and I was just sitting there, making my nails regret the day they were born. 

Time stopped. 

Into the Lunch Hall walked Akash and Miles. They were...not much had changed actually from the look of it. I mean, they were same old glares, stifling laughter but something had shifted. I could tell from a mile away. But what was it? 


Ally shot me a look of concern. 

"Sorry, I- I just fell off my chair."

She nodded and looked back at her book. Was no-one acknowledging this? Of course no-one was acknowledging this you pathetic idiot you're the only person who borderline stalked them enough to realise that. They neared our table, talking (flirting) and I could almost hear my poor nails' screams of agony. Nearly there, lunch isn't that long, meaning you've only got 20 mins of chances to tell Ally. Not that long. I could feel myself sub-consciously relaxing, breath in, breath ouuuuuuu-

"Oh my god Ally, Carrie, did you two hear that Miles and Akash had a massive fight today and ended up getting locked in a janitor's closet together for like the whole day!"

Ally turned to me with an expression of pure horror and anger. 


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