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DING DONG! (still don't know how doorbells are supposed to sound or how to fit it in naturally but onwards we shall plough)

Ally leapt up. "Pizza's here.", she called, as she raced towards the door, leaving a trail of blankets and food crumbs in the room behind her. The people in that room were steadily getting higher and higher off sugar, which was completely Miles' fault if you ask me, 'cause he was the one who brought the jumbo bag of lollipops but whatever you say, Akash, you keep defending your loveable weirdo kinda but not really boyfriend. I leapt up, feeling the magic of sleepover pizza coursing through our veins, overtaking the very high sugar content with salt and grease and happiness instead. Pizza's great y'all. Also, a great way to leave our two love birds alone, oh god, am I weird? Nah, I'm sure everyone late teen goes through the whole human dating app thing, I'm fine.

Let sugar and hormones take over, kiddies.

//////////////Akash's pov///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Ally and Carrie left the room giggling, Honestly, I never thought I'd actually be able to be friends with girls without having pressure from anyone to marry them, but to be honest, Ally and Carrie really felt like friends, Carrie was like my younger, very annoying sister and Ally, my younger, annoying sister's handler. All was well. Ish. Still had no flipping idea where Miles and I stood. We were good. Laughing and talking and throwing yummy green globules into each other's mouths. Ew. Even I'm disappointed in myself after that. They are now, lean-green-yumball-machines and nothing will change my mind.

I glanced over at Miles and nearly flipping cried 'cause damn son, my dude, no person is allowed to look that good after two hours at a sleepover. He had ditched the jumper and was in a loose-fitting dark green top, with tousled (bruh that dude manages to pull off the rolled-out-of-bed-this-way more than me) brown hair that caught the yellow light, turning a few shades lighter. He looked so happy, happier than I'd ever seen him, but then again, I did kinda spend the last year of my life teasing him. Still, emotion shot through my chest like a cannonball, making me double over slightly. I'm not even gonna try and describe his comforting, brown eyes that seemed to invite you for some herbal tea and a chat or his lips that turned up at the ends, giving him a perpetually happy aura or his chubby freaking cheeks that you really wanted to squeeze-or punch. What-whatever sounds best, ya know. Not like I've ever thought about it, contrary to popular-no unpopular opinion.

"Dumbass. Over here dude, teach me how to catch a grape-"

I smushed my finger onto his lips. He snatched it away immediately.

"Miles, Miles, Miles. My sweet innocent Miles. What did we decide to call these amazing balls of deliciousness, my dear?"

His face hardened into an annoyed expression, but his eyes kept the same childish glint.

"Dumbass. Would you please teach me how to catch a lean-green-"

"Go on."

He glared at me. I was enjoying this.

"Yumball-freaking-machine in my mouth?"

I tilted my head to the side.


Miles rolled his eyes.

"Jesus freaking Christ I regret being your friend so freaking much, I will rip your teeth out and make you swallow them. PRETTY PLEASE WITH A MOTHER-FREAKING CHERRY ON TOP!"

I suddenly realised how close our faces were. I could count every freckle, every doe-like eyelash that a girl would kill for, I could see what I thought was a stray eyelash when it was actually a mole, and dear god did I wanna brush it away. His eyes met mine and drew me in yet again, but instead of tea and a chat, they seemed to want something different. His eyes darted away and I could feel the heat radiating off his cheeks. Not to say I couldn't see his embarrassment, poor Miles, turning beet-red like that. I blessed my complexion. Not only could I not burn, but I also couldn't blush either. I sighed. That boy really was like a deer, skittish and with weirdly long legs.

He cleared his throat.

"So, um, we haven't exactly talked much about our argument-"

"Yeah, yeah, I, um, well, how about you go first?"

"Yeah, well. I wanted to ask you, have I improved? I've been trying to be more open, in, uh, in terms of my, uh, suggestions and wants and well, uh, I was wondering if you'd noticed."


"Akash, you-"

"Yeah, sorry, I am, um, uncomfortable with emotions, so I, uh, crack jokes to hide it. Hm. Go on?"

He cleared his throat, with a slight smile. "Did you notice that I've been working on what you'd said?"

"Uh, yeah, of course. You actually asked me to make you tea in the morning instead of grumbling about how there wasn't any there and expecting me to take the hint, so yeah, I think you've, uh, definitely improved. Well, uh, what about me? Have I been, well, too...blunt, lately?"

"No, not at all. I mean that time a few days ago someone came up to us and said that thing about you bullying me and us now being friends, you really managed to handle those emotions really well-"

"How many jokes did I make?"

"Four. But that's like three less than last time, so improvement."

"Yeah, hey, um, Miles."

Miles looked up at me, finally meeting my eyes. That entire conversation was painful, but, you know, I'd rather have it with him than with anyone else. He just understood, you know, the feeling of knowing that you aren't perfect and that everyone else just seems to be a little more perfect than you and it tearing you up inside just a little every time you think about it, like a digger that switches on every time you see that one person who's just a little better than you and increases that big, black hole inside of you. Fun times. As Miles' doe-eyes looked up at me and invited me for a cup of tea, chat and maybe a little more, with frayed furniture and peeling wallpaper, I realised that he really did understand and that maybe someday, I'd finally be able to accept his invitation.

"Nothing, I'm just, happy that we managed to have this conversation."

"Now teach me how to catch a lean-green-yumball-machine in my mouth."


And just as Miles was about to smack me to kingdom come with a pillow, Ally and Carrie reappeared with the pizza boxes, announcing that with loud and off-key singing.

*how y'all doin'? finally got sommit good done, let me know if it was ok cause I am honestly getting tired of calling my friends weird in the comments ;) so constructive criticism would be amazing. have fun my peeps and have an awesome day. also, i was in a really weird mood when i was writing this so, have fun with that piece of information byeeee*

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