i dunno what to name this i'm too flipping tired deal with it

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"So... next stage, huh?"

We were sitting on the couch, nursing hot drinks, just, chatting. Me with my sweet teas and Ally with her hot chocolate. Just, basking in the fact that we had nothing to do, at all. 


"And you deduced that something definitely happened in that room, right?"

"Yeah, I'm thinking some lingering glances, maybe a few blushes and hopefully a drawn out, too long to be normal, hug?"

"Oooooooh. You know, sometimes I worry about your excessive amount of knowledge on love."

"Welp, that's just me."

"Anything on your mind?"

I sighed into my drink, letting the steam heat up my face. 

"I don't quite know. I'm just, kinda living."

"We can do something fun on the weekend? Maybe meet up with Miles and Akash, catch a movie?"

"Sounds fun, yeah."



"Something's up."

"Nothings up. I just feel listless. I got nothing to do, you know."


We were silent for a few seconds, letting our thoughts mingle with the steam.

"Tell me about your plans for Operation Wingwoman."

"You said the name! Oh my gosh, she said the name, you said the name, you thought the name was lame, but you said the naaaaaaame. OOh, that rhymes."

She snorted and grabbed a pillow. 

"OOOh whatcha gonna do with that, huh- OW OW ALLY STOP THAT HUUUUURRRRT."

"That's what you get."

"ALLLLLLLLY. You're so mean to me."

"Shut up. Now, spill, tell me what we're gonna do next."

"Ok, so I was thinking sleepover."


"Right, so the plan is..."

*what can i say, i'm a sucker for cliffhangers. have fun you amazing people.* 

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