The Three Part 2

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Entry 1  by Araina Livefoeye

Date: June the 1st, 1997

Hello , fine sheets of Aspen, it is I, the wielder of this pen,  I am from the 5th generation of our family , and have come to you to  write  my thoughts. My mind has always felt, to say the least, quite heavy...  ahem, anyway, where was I? Oh yes, so today I have began considering to  engage more with the family, I know this might be a bit late for me to do so, as I am 35 at the time of writing this , but my mother and father always warned me about them.. yet I don't know why. Magic users are always stated in the white books to not harm others, so they couldn't be dangerous, right? Well, anyway,  my mind is made up, and I shall approach them as soon as tomorrow,  and try to  warm up to them, I especially want to meet the esteemed newly weds, Devi and Flayil , who are said to be extremely powerful, and kind, the rest though, I cannot be sure.  As the clock is now stricking 11 at night, I feel quite tired, anyway, I will be back when something major happens, and who knows, maybe then I'll have made some very interesting new allies, right?




After Auntie left the trio, Eio was still a bit smacked by what had happened, the younger ones pestering her to find out had happened, she then caught a glimpse of a golden shimmer on the ground, she bent over to grab them and  grabbed two golden coins up,  there were 3 , each one had their names on them, Eio then said shakily: << I- I think we should grab onto these<< She handed them over to the others, she then looked up at the sky, and held the coin tightly to her chest, as the kids then  started to glow yellow, before disppearing into dust..

The Trio then fall from above  onto a dirt road, with  dry stone walls surronding it and leading to what seemed to be a , village? Only one street lamp was lit, and a couple of lit windows, one of the windows ledges having some plants on them, and a glowing orb hanging above it, the three of them could smell a rather poignant scent coming from there, Sio looking  at the environement, the darkness of the night making her very scared, she buried her face into Eio's leg <<Scary  , dark is scary..<< Eio picks Sio up in her arms and lets her rest her head on a shoulder before heading to the town slowly, Mio however was busy laying on his back, looking up at the sky, observing the pure darkness, which he found quite cool , until he realised he was left behind, he got up, dusted himself off quickly, and ran over to the town

. By the time he remembered he had to keep up, the other two were looking around the place, the dimly lit streets of the town didn't show too many details, but it was discernable enough.. it had a medieval theme to it, plenty of cobblestone and people with  rags as bottoms, some of them, especially the older ones looking at them from under their scarves, their cloudy eyes making Eio squirm a bit in her clothes. Some of the structures had stairs leading to their entrances, others had their doors dug a little into the ground.. despite how desolate the place looked, it was quite clean, meaning that  they must take care of it all. Before they could progress any further, Mio came charging at them at full speed, All three of them get knocked to the ground, rendering them a bit dizy.  <<Watch where you are going Mio,,, << The eldest said in a bit of an upset tone, while they then looked up , a  red portal similar to the one from earlier appeared, with auntie emerging from it, with a hefty staff and black robe <<Oh heya there, Auntie!<< Mio said, making her roll her eyes.<<I won't ask what you guys are up to, anyway, come along my children, I'll show you to an old friend of mine, from what feels like eons ago!

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