A/NThis chapter will not count towards my chapter countdown and does not need to be read. But I wanted to include more character interaction between Fuegoleon, Nozel, and Virgo as I thought they were significant to the plot. If you only want to see Luna's point of view, skip. That chapter will be up on a later date.
Third Person P.O.V
"What do you mean she's gone?" Fuegoleon asked, trying out his future cool, calm nature (It's still a work in progress, as he still has a frequency to break down and roar). Yami was visiting the Crimson Lion Kings headquarters to inform the Vermillion on some minor events.
Yami, tired and cranky about going on a seven-hour chase with Luna only for her to scramble off and disappear into the mist, merely shrugged. "She ran off after some searching for William, who you haven't seen have you not?"
"No," Fuegoleon replied distractedly. "But Luna isn't the type who would simply give up in the middle of something she has her mind in,"
"Wow, seems like you've spent a lot of time getting to know her," Yami snorted.
"So where do you think she went?" Fuegoleon ignored Yami's comment.
"Probably back to her village. Homesickness after running so far into the Forsaken area," Yami guessed.
"Doubtful, she has no one there that she shares a connection to," Fuegoleon muttered. "Are you sure she's isn't simply lost somewhere in that fog?"
"Scanned the whole area, not a trace of ki. She's run off somewhere. Listen, I'm only here to tell you that's shes ran off so you can consider it yourself. I'm gonna head back, take a dump and sleep for the rest of the day," Yami cracked his neck, stretching tiredly.
Fuegoleon grinds his teeth softly in the back of his mouth but maintained the calm look. "Thank you, Yami, I'll make sure of taking note of this,". Yami grunted his acknowledgment and set off back the Grey Deer.
Fuegoleon still doesn't believe Luna would simply run back and hide to her village. Something must have intimidated her. After much consideration, he headed slowly towards the Silver Eagles base. Being rivals with the Silva since childhood, Fuegoleon was very well aware of Nozel's insight and accuracy so if something was horribly wrong, it would be the mercury mage who would find out.
Several Silver Eagle members strolled about, nodding politely to the Vermillion. He knocked on a heavy oak door firmly and the door opened to reveal Nozel's irritated expression. "What?"
"Hello, you seem well," Fuegoleon said politely.
"Is that all you need to say? Please don't waste my time," Nozel looked uninterested.
"Your time with what? Handling your siblings when Luna suddenly left?" Fuegoleon proceeded to incline towards his topic.
"What I was doing is none of your concern, Fuegoleon,"
This is one of the more frustrating points in his rival. It was hard to get anything out of that edgy eagle.
"Have you seen Luna ever sense?" Fuegoleon asked causally.
"No, and I don't plan to. Why would I need to see her?" Nozel gave him a blank stare.
"Well, one of her squadmates showed up at the Crimsom Lions base, you know, the muscle pack, Yami. He said Luna disappeared during a mission," Was that twitch in the eyebrow a sign of emotion on Nozel's normally neutral face? Worry? Concern?
Nozel acted as nothing happened. "And why are you telling me about this? I don't need to worry about another Knight in a different squad. Besides, Luna can take care of herself quite fine with that stupidity powerful magic of hers,"
"Still, it's been almost two days and she stills hasn't returned to her base. Yami thinks she's returned to her village but I doubt it. So I want to know your opinion,"
"Well, since you're so worried, I guess we should simply visit the village again,"
"Aren't you busy?"
"I'm royalty, I'm going to see the village. You remember where the location is don't you?"
"Luna apparently found us near the borders of the village. We'll wait for a patrol to come by and follow them into the village. If Luna's in that patrol, we'll see how she's faring and head back. Any questions?"
"From what she said about her village, I doubt they'll let her back on patrol," Fuegoleon muttered.
"Then we'll stick with plan A," Nozel quickly conjured up mercury eagle and motioned Fuegoleon to get on. "We can't ask for a special mage, they'll ask too many questions," Due to his strong pride and independent skills, Nozel is distrustful about almost everyone. Fuegoleon was surprised that he even wanted to look for Luna together.
The sun was waning when the two royals arrived at the outskirts of the forest.
"We might want to keep a bit of distance though, we all know what happens to Stellar hunters," Of course Nozel remembers the few books in the royal library regarding missions to locate the Stellar Village either to return unsuccessful or not return at all.
"What was that?" Nozel whirled around hearing a rustle.
"If it was a person, it would give off mana and I can't sense anything," Fuegoleon twitched as though being watched. Two icy blue eyes blinked from the trees and a furry body followed. It was a bat-like creature, roughly the size of a small cat with big ears, pointed horns and several back spikes running down its spine to its tail. The most impressive thing was its wings that glistened violet-silver like a scattering of stars. It regarded the strangers with wariness.
"A Night Reaper," Fuegoleon glanced at the creature with equal caution. "A young one, that's for sure as fully grown ones should roughly the size of five adult humans but that doesn't matter. Even young ones can exhale deadly coldfire that freezes on contact. Strange, Night Reapers are supposed to live in the northern mountains of the Spade Kingdom,". The Night Reaper yawned, displaying two sharp fangs. Nozel hand brushed a prickly berry bush and quickly flung some berries as far as possible. The fuzzy animal chirped at the prospect of food and scampered to pursuit the morsels.
The leaves stirred once more. Mana, and quite a large pool of it...Nozel quickly noted.
"AstroStellar Magic: Gamma-Ray Burst!" A beam of ultra-violet light shot past the royals' heads and hit a tree which exploded.
"What the-?" Nozel spotted the owner of the spell, a lanky person with smooth indigo hair being tied into a short low braid. A streak ran along the braid that was glowing a deep red. He was definitely a Stellar.
The Stellar seemed to be observing them at the same time. "Silver and Crimsom, rather high mana...royals from the Clover Kingdom,"
Such mana and he doesn't even have a grimoire. That blast was fast and strong enough to kill us...yet he aimed it behind us. It's only trying to scare and startle us.
The Stellar eyes narrowed. "Yes, just like Polaris described. So let's try to make this easy for you two. Where is Luna? Tell me and you can have a quick death or I'll slowly torture the answer out of you,"
Well, that's not going to be as easy as you think..."Why should we tell you where Luna is if all you want to do with her is punish her from leaving the village?" Fuegoleon asked smoothly.
"LIKE HELL I'M GONNA HURT HER! WORRY ABOUT YOUR OWN LIVES!" The Stellar raised his hand. "AstroStellar Magic: Meteor Crash!" A barrage of heavy stones rained down from the sky. Nozel quickly blocked them with his mercury.
"A Stellar from the village who wants Luna back...you are the Leader Luna describes aren't you? Though I'd thought she said he had a beard,"
The Stellar looked mildly disgusted. "I'm not Arius, he doesn't even think about Luna,"
"Then you are...?"
"I'm the village's strongest hunter and Luna's older brother, Virgo Moonray,"
Star Stellar (Black Clover Fanfic)
Fanfiction" 'It'll be easier if we fly there. Where is your broom?" I felt awkward. 'Errrrr, I don't have one. Not that I know how to fly anyway," He nearly fell off his broom, 'You don't know how to fly on brooms? It's simple, if you can control you...