I was a little bit lost, but I'm not anymore
I was a little bit hurt, but I'm not anymore
I was a little left out, but I'm not anymore
'Cause the tears fell down, but they don't anymore
I was a little messed up, but I'm not anymore
I was a little le...
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TNVRashford Last day🥺 ❤️16,243 💬 763
JadonSancho gonna miss being around you 24/7 🥺 -TNVRashford trust me this isn't the last of me 🤪 -JadonSancho I hope so 🤝 -ReissNelson stop flirting yous two it was not like you was acting all lovey-dovey in Greece
LeighAnneRashford TIYA'S GOT A BOYFRIEND THAT SHE'LL NEVER SEE AGAIN😝 -MarcusRashford HOPEFULLY 😁 -TNVRashford you are both actually so childish 😴
SashaOxC okay sis🤩 -TNVRashford 😘
AngelAlliHot girl 💃🏽 -TNVRashford you betcha -JadonSancho 👀
CocoAllibad bih 😍 - TNVRashford you the baddest tho 🥵
HanRashy best bring me back a large bar of Milka - TNVRashford silly of to believe I would not.
JNels can you and JadonSancho just kiss already! -TNVRashford been there, done that, got the T-shirt🥴 -KaiLingard AND WE DID NOT KNOW! - TNVRashford 😁
ReissNelson's insta story
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