24- Goodbye... Forever

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Jadon's apartment, London - 3:23am

Tiya opened the apartment door quietly and looked around to see if Jadon was home. She didn't hear anything but as soon she approached the hallway towards his bedroom she heard noises. Those of which not pleasant mixed with the loud music to try cover the noises.

All she could hear was his grunting and moans of which he made when him and Tiya made love. She couldn't help but feel tears fall down her face.

What broke her even more was the girl screaming his name as he proceeded with his unfaithful actions.

Tiya didn't even bother to confront him, she walked to the wardrobe room and collected her stuff and all the things she bought for him throughout the relationship in a black bag. Soon after she was done she went to the kitchen where she left a letter addressed to him she couldn't help but cry as she wrote the letter saying that she was done with him.

How ironic, it was like she was in this position around a year ago when she ran away to Jadon after her argument with her dad.

After she finished writing the note, she took of the necklace and promise ring he got her for their 6 month anniversary and placed it on the note.

Then she left, posting her copy of his apartment key through the letter box. As she walked through the halls down to the lobby, of the luxurious building Reiss saw her.

"Tee wait it's not what it looks like, Jadon would nev-."

"Cut the crap Reiss he's wrapped up with the influencer in bed, I thought you would actually tell me that Jadon was doing this to me. But you have zero respect towards me. All you and your shitty bro code, as you watch your friends act like whores. I don't want you to say anything to me, him or anything else about you seeing me here at all. Because you know what. I thought I found true friends, but I guess my dad was right. You don't deserve my respect... Any of you, all you all are to me now is a piece of dog shit on the bottom of my shoe. Fuck you!"

Tiya vented and shouted in the lobby, leaving Reiss in so much shock. He was so used to seeing the kind hearted Tiya, but he knew Jadon fucked up and him sheltering him made it worse. He felt like shit.

Reiss got to Jadon's apartment door and hesitated to knock. After contemplating to knock he didn't. He walked away. The guilt consumed him of how one of the kindest and most loyal and humble girl sounded broken, not only at his best friends fault but his aswell. He was a key part of the issue aswell.

He dragged himself to the apartment lift back to his car. He sat their in shock as he replayed the past months in his head, making feel like such as shitty person.

Tiya sat in the car blocking everyone that has any relationship to Jadon in anyway, from friends and family of his to his teammates. One person she didn't block was his mum, who she messsged saying what was happening and what to do and not to do. Soon it came to Jadon she blocked him from social media, phone numbers, emails and even blocking him on her friends account to what they all agreed and also asking all of her family and family friends to block him on everything, they all questioned why, she explained and they complied.

After she finished she felt a massive weight lift off her shoulders, she felt free. She rolled down the passenger window of kai car and stuck her head out of the window as they drove done the bare London streets.

They came to a stop at a little spot near tower bridge where they got out the car and looked over the river Thames. Kai not caring if he were to get a ticket on his car.

They were all just listening to the waves clash downstream when it was interrupted by Tiya.

"You know, I couldn't of done anything throughout my life without you guys..."

They all smiled embracing the small girl in their arms.

"And this is the part where I tell you something... I've got the opportunity to study out in Paris at a paid degree internship at vogue being a editor for the teen french magazine. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I was debating before to take it before because of you know who but that worked obviously."

She said sarcastically and a they all laughed

"But now I think I should take it, Hannah is starting Sixthform and was also looking to study abroad as well in a college in France so I won't be alone and it's very flexible and I can come back whenever I want."

They were all tearful, their youngest friend is growing up and moving on so quickly it's scary. It was only just yesterday they were running around backstage at their mothers parents or St George's park staff taking them to the park before England matches.

"Whatever you choose we will be with you along the way"

Joe says embracing his friend, the group joined in again aswell.

Driving back to Manchester, the journey was full of them talking about their memories and singing along to throwback playlist, them all probably enjoying the last proper time they are going to be together.
After this summer ends they will all be off starting their careers.
Sasha and Coco are going to start university in Leicester together.
Angel is starting an apprenticeship at BT with the Media team managing events and documentaries to do with athletes all across the world.
Joseph was now a breakthrough music producer, working with U.K artists such as Digdat and Aitch, wanting to help pave the way for the new age of artists and improve his clientele.
Kai was breaking into the first team at Manchester United, making his talent reconised, making everyone proud of following in all his family's footsteps.

Everyone is going their separate ways but they will always be together. Let's not lie, the group hat will forever be popping everyday at anytime, they can't go without 24 without checking on each other, they are their own family unit,
no one gets left behind or forgotten.

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