An Unfortunate Soul

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The twins stood still & stared at each other intensely with Richie now being pushed to the edge while Braden boils in anger due to his brother's determination. Suddenly Elizabeth came out from the door & saw what is going on.

"Richie what's happening here? I can hear you from inside, is there something wrong?" She asked.

Then Braden turned the situation around.

"Mom this girl over here is stalking me! She thinks that I am Braden & she wouldn't stop bothering me!"

"What?!? No that's not true! I can explain" Mila defended.

"Mom you need to tell her to leave, she's crazy & nuts. Who knows what she is capable of she might hurt us here!"

"That's not true Mrs. Jones, I am Richie's classmate & you need to know something!"

"Leave my mother out of this Mila! You're being crazy again!"

"Mrs. Jones please you need to listen to me" Mila implored.

"Mom don't listen to her" Braden persuaded. "She doesn't know what she's talking about"

"No Mom! Don't listen to Braden!!!" Richie shouted but couldn't be heard by Elizabeth.

"What are you waiting for? Get out of here before we call the authorities!!!" Braden threatened at Mila.

With all that tension building Mila decided to leave & runaway but Richie didn't go so he stayed until Braden was alone.

Inside their room Richie confronted Braden for what he did to Mila.

"How selfish can you get Braden?!?" Richie burst. "Not only you kept the truth from Mom you managed to humiliate Mila in front of her & made her look like she was insane!!! How could you do that to your friend?!?"

"I warned you. Do you think I'll let you ruin everything that I have now?!? I don't think so Richie because I am making sure you'll never get back to your body no matter what!"

"Don't be so sure about that Braden, you can't last at my body forever" Richie replied before walking out through their door.

The following day as Mila walk to school Richie's soul was just beside her talking about what happened yesterday.

"Sorry Richie I didn't tell your mom the truth. Braden turned the whole situation around"

"It's me who should apologize to you Mila, Braden humiliated you in front of our mother & you don't deserve that" Richie looked at her sad.

"Don't worry about me Richie it's fine, I am just surprised of what Braden did. He's really good at manipulating things"

"I know & he's willing to do anything just to stay in my body"

"I just realized, what's our next plan now? I tried to convince Hayley that it isn't you she is with but she didn't believe me & I failed to get a conversation with your mom. What now Richie?"

"Just give me some time Mila I'll just think of something else. Right now you need to go to school & be careful with Braden okay?" Richie reminds.

"Don't worry, Braden can't hurt me"

Suddenly Braden arrived blocking Mila from going inside the campus.

"Hey Mila, how are you?" He greeted.

"Hello there, "Braden""

"Don't call me that name!"

"Why? Are you afraid people will know your true identity because they'll believe me? The last time I remember you called me crazy & nuts"

"You better watch your mouth"

"Try me" Mila fired back. "What do you want fake Richie?"

"I want you to stay away from Hayley, my mom & especially stop helping Richie!"

"Why should I? You got some nerve telling me that, newsflash that body doesn't belong to you!"

"Mila please just let me be happy on what I have now"

"You mean the life you stole from Richie while he struggles as a spirit just to take back something that truly belongs to him? I don't think so"

"I am warning you one last time Mila stop getting involve in this or you'll regret it"

"Well bring it then, just make sure you don't cry when you fail to walk your talk" Mila walked pass him.

Inside the school when Braden was about to enter the classroom he recalled that there was no class at first period so he decided to find Hayley instead. When he checked at the gymnasium he found her at the top of the bleachers sitting & hanging out with Clinton, then he felt a low anger rising as he sees their closeness became sweet until he became jealous.

"Hayley hey" He called.

"Richie you're here, I am sorry I didn't text you Clinton was in a hurry"

"What are you doing with him?"

"Oh I forgot to tell you Richie, when you were at the hospital I asked Hayley to tutor me at algebra after class or whenever we have free time" Clinton answered. "Since there's no class at first period I called her here so we can advance our study"

"I see..."

"Excuse me guys I need to take this call" Hayley left for a while.

"So Clinton are you trying to court Hayley?!?"

"What??? No of course not"

"Really? Because when I got here I can see you're really enjoying her company. May I remind you Hayley is my girl & no other guy can come near her! If I know you're just pretending to need tutorial help so that you can get close to her, I know you like Hayley that's why you took the opportunity while I was away at the hospital!"

"Richie where are you getting all of this? I know you & Hayley have a thing & I don't mean everything that you said I really need help at my studies so just chill okay?!?" Clinton answered back.

"Stop lying!!!"

"I am not lying! Richie what's going on with you? I noticed that since you came back you've been acting strange & your behavior right now is kinda like of Braden's"

"I am not Braden!"

"I know & I don't even know who you are anymore Richie. Talk to me if you hit your head somewhere" Clinton turn behind him.

"I am not through with you yet!!!" Braden grabbed on his arm.

Clinton quickly pulled back his arm & pushed Braden. "What's your problem?!?" He yelled.

"What does it look like? You!!!" Tackling Clinton unto the ground.

"Richie stop it!!!" Clinton screamed as Braden punch him on the face.

"You told me to hit my head right? How about I do it to you first?!?"

Braden picked Clinton up & began to hit his head on the railings of the bleachers' balcony twice before throwing him off. Clinton's vision began to blur & as he sees Braden come to him he can now see his true appearance.

"You're not Richie! You're Braden!" Clinton shouted.

"I am sorry Clinton but no one has to know who I really am" Braden said before he picked him up again & threw him out of the bleachers' balcony.

"Nooooooooo!!!!!" Clinton screamed before he landed on the ground.

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