18. Dropship

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"Why did he scan us?" Octavia questioned, meeting my gaze.

"I dont know" i shook my head. We both stared at eachother trying to figure out what they wanted.

Soon enough a bang came from the door and it squeaked open. Two guards I didn't recognize stepped forward, drawing their guns.

"Hands up and against the wall!" One commanded. Me and Octavia obeyed, swinging our arms up. The two men came over to us, clipping a cold metal wristlet around our hands.

"Hey, what are you doing! Its not my time yet, i still have another month!" I screamed, pushing against the man. He stumbled backwards, giving me time to bolt for the door.

I ran out the room looking down the hallways. People, delinquents, were scattered around the halls being led out by guards.

I felt a prick in my neck, my vision turning blurry and my body falling limp. My last memory was seeing Octavia being led away by some man as she screamed my name.

I ran down the hall towards the dropship. I pushed past crowds of people who were crying and screaming as they witnessed their kids being thrown on a ship.

I came upon a clearing, spotting Chancellor Jaha just ahead. It was now or never. I ran towards him, shoving his guards men out the way.

I wrapped my arm around his neck and shoved the gun to his stomach.

"Son, what are you doing?" He asked somehow calmly. His men where surrounding us, raising their guns up at me.

"Stand down." He commanded but they didn't listen.

"I said stand down!" He shouted. They turned to him and drew back their guns, still ready to shoot if needed.

"Why are you doing this?" He whispered to me.

"Shut up!" I yelled and a boom echoed around the ship. My ears rung and the body in my arm fell to the ground.

I couldn't believe i just shot the Chancellor. I turned around and slipped through the gap in the dropship.

The doors slid closed and a pop came from beside. A soft voice turned on startling me, 'three, two, one'.

Soon enough the entire ship rattled and we were shot through space. I latched onto a pole, steading myself for impact.

This is a short-ass chapter, im very sorry!
- Tay :)

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