Chapter 2

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(Picture of the twins above)


We had made it to the camp an everyone was giving us funny looks, while we were walking the buff man that I found out was named Shane kept looking at me like I was a piece of meat,

Rick had tried several times to try to start a conversation but I only gave yes or no answers that left us in an Uncomfortable silence, even the quiet man named glenn had even tried,

Once I was introduced to everyone I found out that a man named merle was left on a building, and they were waiting for his younger brother to come back,

"Mummy?" asked Ethan in his adorable voice, I picked him up and sat him on my leg, "yes baby?" I asked back "can we go play with the other kids?" he asked giving me the puppy dog eyes, I looked to Noah to see him giving me the same look, "ok but stay in my view" I answered not being able to resist,

Once they had stumbled of rick come and took a seat next to me, "your kids are cute," he told me, I let a little smile slip past my face as I replied "I know" "how old are they?" He asked " 5 " I replied, "well I have a son, Carl who is 12" he smiled at me, he then asked me the question that made my heart hurt, "where's there dad?" My smile fell of completely, he noticed and quickly said "you don't have to tell if you don't want to" I nodded not wanting to answer,

I then heard screaming, I looked up to where Noah and Ethan were just moments ago to see them gone, I quickly got up and ran to where the screaming was along with most of the men in the group, I then found Noah and Ethan with Carl and Sophia not to far from a walker, once I made sure none of them were bit or scratched I quickly made my way to the walker, and chopped of its head with I knife I had found at the camp, I then stormed back to the camp, but not before seeing a man with a crossbow walk out of the woods, once I made it to the camp I stormed up to Noah and Ethan

"What did I tell you!" I shouted, they both bowed there head with there lips quivering "I specifically told you to stay in my sight!" I then sighed and bent down pulling them into a hug, "I'm sorry for shouting, you just scared mummy ok?" I said softly, they both nodded hugging me back "were sorry" they said at the same time, I then looked up to see most of the group giving me shocked looks, that was probably the most they had heard me say,

The man with the crossbow than came storming down screaming merles name, this should be interesting I thought, but I couldn't stick around, he would most probably scare the boys, I also took Carl and Sophia for a walk down to the lake, they started mucking around in the water, I chuckled at there antics, I jumped when someone starting chuckling with me, I looked behind me only to see Shane, "can I sit here?" he asked pointing to the spot beside me, I nodded, he took a seat and smiled at me, he stared at me for a while, "your starring" I pointed out. he only replied with, "I'm sorry, it's not my fault your so pretty" he smirked and winked, I rolled my eyes before looking back towards the kids.

Till the last breath (walking dead/rick grimes fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now