Too much? (Part 6)

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There was a rumor about Musa. It was about that a girl in his class gave him a bj. I didn't think of it much.
I did something very stupid. I could just facepalm myself. It was a day before Christmas and I decided to give Musa a present. But I didn't know what to buy or what he likes so I just drew a picture of one of his Instagram Pictures. He had a red jacket and a red cap on looking really mean. I didn't draw it on paper, I did it on the phone. It was easier than on paper since you can use layers and stuff but it was still hard because I can't see where I'm drawing because of my finger. It took me hours for it. It was ok.

I sent it to some of my friends who know about me liking him. They all texted very positively.

"Omg that's so good"
"Woah 😱"
"He will like it"
"I didn't know you could draw"

It gave me more confidence to send it to him on Instagram since I don't have his number. I went to our chat, selected the picture and hesitated to click on the send button. I took a deep breath and clicked on it. I sent also a little text on what that's supposed to be.

"Hey Merry Christmas. I drew a picture of one of your Instagram pictures. I hope you like it".

I waited for him to be online and reply to it. I shoved my phone in my pockets to enjoy the Christmas party with my relatives. We were in the apartment of my Aunt Edna. It was really late. Marla, Kate and I were the only children here. Note that Kate and I were already 15 and my sister was 19. We were really bored out because the apartment wasn't very big. There was a small living room, the kitchen, the toilet and two bedrooms where we can't go in without a reason. All of the adults were in the living room and the kitchen. We could only stay in the living room because there was no place to sit for us. But they were all awfully loud and it was like 11 pm. I'm surprised that the neighbors haven't complained yet.
The worst thing was that she didn't have any WiFi. I couldn't use my phone. I just wanted to sleep.

I woke up not remembering that I went to sleep. I was sitting on the chair and my head in my arms on the table. My mom shook me lightly telling me that we're going. I wanted to look at my phone for the time but it was dead. I forgot to charge it. I saw my sister really tired and Kate still on the couch. I guess they slept too. I looked at the clock on the wall saying it was 2 am. The adults were still loud on their way out. How could they still be awake? Marla and I were sleeping on our ride back. It took like 20 minutes until we were at home. Once we were at home, I just changed my clothes, brushed my teeth and connected my phone to the charger quickly to get to bed. I didn't care who texted me. I was just really tired.


Musa and I were in his room, playing some game on his console. He had a couch in the middle of his room and behind the couch was his bed. I won. He shut off the console. "Hey, why did you-?" I asked but stopped when I saw him crawling to me. I blushed very hard. "What Are yo-!", I got cut off when he kissed me. I was shocked. I kissed him back closing my eyes when I felt his hands guiding Mine to his shirt taking it off...

I woke up catching my breath. "Aww man, it was just a dream." I thought to myself and pouted. I looked at my phone seeing a notification from Instagram. I quickly opened it seeing it was a message from Musa. What I saw really got me mad and frustrated.


Thx? Just a thx?! Omg, I wanted to scream. Jesus Christ! I didn't reply back and just laid back down but my parents were calling me to get ready since it was Monday and we had to go to church because it was Christmas. I didn't want to and just groaned. I jumped off my bed and went to my closet to get my clothes. Since today is Christmas I was gonna go with a white long sleeve button shirt 👔 with a green sweater and a red butterfly tie and some black pants. I showed my parents and asked if I should put this on. They agreed.

(February 10, 2018)

There was a kind of market in our school. They always sell stuff depends on what day it is. On St. Nicolaus Day, they were selling chocolate in form of Santa Claus. This time it's flowers for Valentines' Day. One flower for 1€, which is kind of cheap.
This year I wanted to make something special.
I bought a packet of chocolate with 28 pieces of heart chocolates. Each for every one of my classmates. I even wrote a little paper for each one of them with a small compliment. I asked my biology teacher if I could hand them out for a surprise in biology. She happily obliged. I was happy and waited for Valentine's Day. I wanted to buy a rose for Musa. You had to give 1€, they give you a paper shaped like a heart. It said small "from:", "for" and "Message:". I didn't write a message because it would be too obvious. I just wrote my name and his name. I folded the paper once so it looked like half of the heart.

(Valentines Day)

It finally was Valentine's Day. They are giving out the flowers today but for each period, one grade. Since he was in 10Th grade, they would give it to him in the 4th period. Once the second lunch break came in, I was looking for him but a girl from his class who is my friend came to me.

"Did he get the flower?" I asked her.

"Kind of?"

I looked at her confused "What do you mean?". "Well, they tried to give him the flower and the other boys were making fun of him because they know you liked him and he got really mad and didn't accept the flower.". Well, there goes my heart, shattered into pieces.

"Thanks for telling me." I told her

She nodded and walked away. I didn't want to face him. I just tried not to think about him and chilled with my friends in the halls. Suddenly a hand touched my shoulder from behind and I turned around only to be greeted by dark brown eyes. "Can we talk?" Musa asked. Behind him were a few of his friends. I said sure and he put his arm around me, leading me to a different hall. Now I was alone with him and his friends behind. I got scared of what was about to happen.

He started talking, "You know it's nice and all that you're giving me all those presents but I'm not gay.". I just nodded and looked back down. "Just stop giving me Gifts.", he said patting my shoulder and walking off. I felt the need to cry but I held it in and ran to my friends.

(To be continued)

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