Chapter 4

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Bakugo... Okayyyy random that a dude that hates me just gave me his name but I guess I can eventually use it to my advantage... maybe? I don't even know if I will ever see him again after this so I shouldn't really care about this. I mean since I probably won't see him again so I can give him my name.

" Cool, Im (Y/N)... are you by any chance going to kill me? "

" Only if you piss me off again ", He said with another moody look

Right before I'm about to say anything I hear "Alright Let's Start!!! Get moving, There are no real count downs in battles. run, run, run! You're wasting time here!", Present Mic yells afar from a tower. I hear loud footsteps from all of the people running into the now open gate.

Once inside the  fighting arena/area I start to look around for villains to control and use to my advantage. While running around searching for some enemies to destroy I hear everyone attacking them and I run away from them so they don't steal any of my points. While running I turn a corner to see a giant green robot. This thing is so big that it could make an earthquake when running. I can NOT destroy that thing, Not once in a million years.

"Wait... THAT'S THE 0 POINT ONE??? OH HELL NO", I yell to nobody in particular.

I then after a stupid amount of time finally realize that I can control it to destroy the other robots, so I run towards its feet and jump. Landing on the foot I put my arms on it and feel the familiar tingle of controlling it. Once I close my eyes and open them as the robot I put my still body on the shoulder and start to stomp away to a nearby group of enemies.

Once at the enemies I stomp on them and completely flatten them, making robo pancakes. I continue to do so until I feel an explosion near my feet. Talking through the robot I yell," WHAT THE HELL MAN, LEAVE ME ALONE FOR ONCE. I'M TRYING TO WIN." he stares up confused as hell to why a robot is talking to him.

" You can talk?"

"DUh BaKuHoe... Its me (Y/N)"

"OHHHHHHHHH.... in that case...", He says while exploding my legs more

I start to feel a tingle and realize my 10 minutes are nearing their end. Panicking I lift my body off the robots shoulder and place myself gently on the ground transferring consciousness. Once I see through my own eyes I look at Bakugo and flip him off before running off around another corner.

-- Meanwhile in the observing room --

"Interesting... Did you just see her control the most powerful enemy just to take down the others? They seem very useful for battle...", The small mammal known as Principle Nezu comments while watching (Y/N) very closely. The other heroes in the room also notice what happened and start to focus mainly on her. Nearing the time limit she starts to worry about her score and starts to attack every enemy in sight not caring about the points they will earn her.

-- Back to (Y/N) cause why not --

* HUFF * HUFF * 

whew... I think I can get some more points before the-

" TIMES UP!!! "

Aw man, I hope I got enough points to get in... what the heck (Y/N) be CONFIDENT! You are TOTALLY GONNA GET 1ST PLACE... or 2nd.... or 3rd. YOU'RE GONNA GET A GOOD PLACE.

"Very nice good work every one of you. You are all heroes in my eyes!", Recovery Girl says as she walks by everyone. She looks at me for a little bit too long before giving me some gummies.

Ok then well, time to go home... Aw man I gotta walk because I can't control that speedy kid again. It's going to be a pain in the butt ( gotta stay at least partially child friendly I guess )

--A week later ( or how long it takes to recieve the letter ) --

After I wake up to do my ordinary routine I head out to check my mailbox. While doing so I realize I have gotten something inside so I rush to see it. Once at my (F/C) mailbox I open it up to see a letter from U.A. Speedily grabbing it I rushed back inside to read its contents. Inside was a peculiar grey disc which popped out of the envelope. It made a small buzzing noise then proceeded to vibrate and whurr until a small-ish projection came out of it.

" Hello young (Y/N)! Its me Allmight! You have been accepted into U.A. because your quirk seems rather impressive. Stay safe and I hope to see you there! ", With those very few lines your heart started racing and you freaked out.

OH MEH GERSH!!! I GOT INTO U.A.!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKK... if only my parents could see me now. They would be proud! Stay strong (Y/N) this is not a time to cry... UNLESS ITS IN JOY.

-- Once you figure out your placement in the exams --

HOW THE FUDGE DID I GET LAST PLACE!?! I WAS CLEARLY THE BEST PERSON THERE!!! hmmph I gotta get stronger. I also gotta get my U.A. uniforms ready and organize a schedule to follow so I don't get to confused.


Whew I'm still not that used to my school schedule. Anyways like always I always appreciate criticism and people pointing out any spelling errors that I have missed. I'm also welcoming any ideas for the procedure of the story and I would love to receive support!!!


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