Chapter 26

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Hiding from a giant chicken man whilst in the body of a cat is surprisingly hard to do. Especially with the time limit on my hands... well, paws. My limit was coming closer and closer and I think that Hawks knows that because he's been checking the clock every minute or so. 

The apartment seems so much bigger in comparison to how it was when I was in my normal body. Right now, I'm hiding on top of the fridge glaring down at the space below growing more and more weary that a giant chicken will pop out of nowhere and catch me. Being in the body of a cat has been a new experience for me since all of my senses have been messed up.

Instead of my normal senses I now have cat senses which is totally freaky. I can literally smell all of the KFC in Hawks' fridge making my stomach growl at the thought. Not only that, but I don't have to ability to talk. Instead I can meow and growl and all of that cat stuff.

You don't know how much I want to curse at Hawks for tempting me with all of this chicken in the fridge. I. Want. The. Chicken.

All I can think about now is food, sleep, and hiding from Hawks... In that order.


My fur starts to stand on the pack of my neck when I look over to where the noise was made. I can see Hawks throwing around pillows trying to find out where I am. 'Please don't look up. I don't need to deal with the overwhelming sense of hunger AND the priority of hiding from somebody.'

Of course knowing my luck, He looked up and our eyes met eachother. 'Shiz'

I begin to try and think up a new plan to escape the chicken man in front of me slowly inching forward. My eyes wander to the towering plastic jar of cheeseballs right next to me. I've seen cats do this so many times before so it can't be hard right?

My stubby little paws start to push the cheeseballs closer and closer to the edge of the fridge top while Hawks remains where he stands. "No... Don't you do it. If you do then I'll throw you out of that window I opened for no specific reason last chapter!", He shouts reaching for a spray bottle on the kitchen counter.

'What? Dude we're not in a book or something... if we were then I would totally be likeable and you would be less of a chicken man and more of a hot and buff eagle or something.' I wish so hard that I could say all of that but alas, My chonky cat self can't speak a word.

Instead of a normal snarky response, I push the cheeseballs fully off of the fridge and watch as hawks frantically tries to catch the jar. He was too late as it makes a small thump and slowly rolls to the side. His face immediately turns stern as he looks back up to me in all of my glory.

"You can mess with me all you want, but don't involve my cheeseballs.", He says and wipes a single tear from his cheek. He gently picks up the jar as if it was his own child and places it onto the kitchen counter with all of the care in the world. His whole demeanor changed in one second because of cheeseballs...

'I'm pretty sure I messed up.'

"I wasn't lying about that window thing you know. It's not the first time a hero accidentally killed their intern.", He says casually making sure to emphasize accidentally.

'Well... fRiCk'

I scamper onto my little stubs and try my best to leap over the chicken man. It seriously seems easier in those compilations of cats jumping too high or something. One of my back paws doesn't put enough pressure into the jump causing for me to fall to my slow and gruesome demise.

In Hawks' perspective I'm pretty sure I look like one of those birds that hit a window and majestically fall to the ground.


'I forgot how fat this body was... everything on this fat body hurts. Ow ow ow ow ow ow-'My eyes widen as I gain the feeling of being picked up by the scruff. Hawks brings me up to his face and mumbles," Not so high and mighty now are yah."

He begins to walk over to the window without a care in the world continuing to carry me nonchalantly. Once he reaches the window, he points me so I can face the world below. 'Did I seriously become an intern to a psychopath? Who thinks about throwing their intern/cat out of a mother freaking window?!?'

Even if he throws me out of the window, I won't die because i will be brought back to my original body. But Chicken Nugget won't be so lucky. "Meow mew meow mew meow meow meow meow! SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.", I begin trying to convince him to release me back into the apartment forgetting about the language barrier.

He grimaces at the high pitched noise I just released from my squeaky mouth. I begin to feel the thumping pain of the time limit in my head signalling it's already time for me to deactivate my quirk before the pain gets worse. Hawks seems to contemplate his options whilst looking out of the window.


All thought is lost when the door gets knocked on. Hawks' face lowers into an expression of confusion as he mumbles, "Nobody was supposed to visit me today... I wonder who it-"


The door gets kicked open causing for a large dent to be formed by all of the force. There standing where the door once was is the one and only Endeavor. Hawks seemed more than happy to see him forgetting the predicament he was in at the moment.

Endeavor takes a moment to understand what he walked into. Pushing what he just witnessed aside he shouts, "Did you do this?!" pulling out a hero uniform covered in pink glitter and kitten sparkles. Hawks takes a moment before responding, "Nope, Never thought about it. Whoever did it must have been quite a genius to be able to get your uniform and cover it in those sparkle so inconspicuously though."

Endeavor doesn't take this answer as a no and begins to walk closer to Hawks angrily continuing to glare. "You did it I know you did. I'll give you one hour to remove every sparkle on here. If you don't then I will personally release your address to the public. I'm sure they'll love visiting you.", he threatens.

Even though I'm a cat I can still make some human like noises. I respond with a, "Oooooooooh!" And begin chuckling to myself. Hawks seems defeated and Endeavor is confused about the cat in Hawks' hands reacting to his statement. I feel the pounding pain increase in my head demanding for me to deactivate my quirk at this very instant. I can barely focus on my surroundings anymore giving in and stopping my control over Chicken Nugget.

I return to my body which was in given no attention in the corner of the room. Once I connect back to my body I continue to feel the pain in my head and I lower myself slowly to the floor trying to avoid being seen in this state of pity by the pro hero himself. 'become one with the floor'

Out of the corner of my eye I can see Chicken Nugget freaking out in Hawks hands and Endeavor being severely confused. Hawks begins to poke the cat trying to see if I was still in control of it. Endeavor's just standing there wondering what happened to the once calm cat from before.

The pain in my head recedes to the point where I can now push it aside for the priority of keeping Chicken Nugget safe and sound.

Hawks drops the now feral cat onto the floor haphazardly trying his best not to flinch back. I stop myself from chuckling trying to signal for Chicken Nugget to approach me. Instead of walking over to me, Chicken Nugget begins to have a staring contest with Endeavor.

I sigh having enough with this confusing situation and walk over to Chicken Nugget scooping him into my arms. Not even looking back, I walk into another room not caring a bit that I just broke the sacred staring contest between a feral cat and a pro hero.

"Thank god they took that cat away...", Hawks mumbles beneath his breath. He takes the uniform from Endeavor and brings it over to the sink. Endeavor asks him confusedly pointing to the sparkly uniform, "You don't have a washing machine?"

Hawks responds with a smile and mischievous glint in his golden eyes, "I didn't know how to use it so I threw it out the window."

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