Chapter 14

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( Morning Next Day )

Once I woke up from my nap in the nurse's room I rise and start to stumble towards the door since I totally forgot everything that happened the day before. Just my luck that the nurse was just returning when I opened the door so I ran right into her and fell onto my back.

"Oh deary! You shouldn't be up right now. You used your quirk too much and damaged some of your cells while doing so.", The nurse worriedly told me while I awaited a lecture.

"Ah... Sorry I really wanted to find out what happened when I was out. Can you fill me in?", I ask with a slight hint of embarrassment. "Oh, I understand. AllMight won and nobody in your class was hurt except your teacher Aizawa who is also healing just like you. That reminds me! Before you leave he wanted to talk to you about U.S.J.", She tells me and I start to worry about what my homeroom teacher wants to discuss.

Then I realize the whole milkshake fight and I calm down since its most likely just about that.

"Okay! Thanks your the best.", I tell her and burst out of the room towards Aizawa wanting to get the awkward discussion over with. As I burst through the door I suddenly realize its school hours when I see my classmates and a bandaged Aizawa.

"You're late.", He says and I sweatdrop.

Doesn't he know I was literally knocked out in the battlefield?

"I was in the nurses office?", I say with embarrassment. Everyone starts to look at me and Mina looks at me with a mischievous look. I shake my head at her signalling for her to not do whatever she was planning but with no avail as she shouts," HEY (Y/N)  YOU OKAY?"

I sigh and head to my seat now being bombarded by questions due to Mina's outburst. I plop myself down and Aizawa starts explaining the Sports Festival. ( You know how it goes ) We all start excitedly shouting and yelling about the event. I have to admit even I am giddy about this chance to show myself to the world.

(After Class Talking to Aizawa)

"So why did you want to talk?", I ask.

"How did you know the villain Shigaraki Tomura?", He says and gets straight to the point.

"Long story short I wanted to get a Big Mac at the local McDonalds near my house and I ran into him. After a short stand-off I used my quirk on him and decided to play a prank on his villain friends. After texting them random things about potatoes I buy a milkshake and since the peeps in my quirk can still feel, taste, and see everything he was able to taste the milkshake. Apparently he hates that flavor and since he is a giant man child he now has a grudge.", You speedily explain and his eyes widen slightly.

"Okay, I understand now.", He comments and I was released to my other classes.

(At Lunch)

I take my tray and lounge around on one of the comfy couches in the corner I claimed my own. People know not to approach or enter my corner without my permission unless they want to become knocked out for the rest of the day. And yes... That has happened to a random boi names Monoma I think. He just wanted to bug me about how my quirk is "useless" So I showed him my wrath.

ANYWAYS back to now. As i'm eating my delicious ramen with extra pork I look up to see somebody approaching my corner. In reply to their threatening strut towards my territory I straighten myself up and get my punch ready. This person OF COURSE is Monoma trying to annoy me again but he is being strategic this time and staying an inch away from my corner's borders.

In my moral code I let him be and go back to nomming on my munchies. I chug my SunnyD I brought from my house and look back to Monoma and see him purposely annoying me by stepping in and out of my corner. I think about punching him before realizing that he has  people watching him so if I attack him they will see.

Touché... touché

I decide to ignore him while the bell rings and I stand up walking away with my tray in hand. I start calming down while I place the tray in its designated spot until...


Right in the middle of the halls Monoma shouts while pointing at me. He's done this whenever we meet I'm just tired of this so I just dash to my next class. People around me spare glances after what the annoying yellow mop told them.

Monoma sucks

(After School)

I walk home with a slumped posture and some thoughts on my mind thinking about the Sports Festival. I instantly regret approaching near Monoma without thought when he sees me and grows a smirk. "Hey useless~~~~~ Where are you gonna do nothing now?", He says with confidence.

"Hmm... I don't know really.", I comment sarcastically while looking in his eyes.

"SEE!", He shouts and starts to bombard me with proof of me being useless.

I pretty much have had enough with him so I start walking away until he says something which really triggers me. "Oh! Now that I mention you being useless no wonder you could never find your parents. You're too lazy.",  He says with pride of his diss.

"Dude! Making fun of me is enough but bringing in my parents is totally wrong. I don't bring up your parents do I?!", I shout with annoyance.

He "Hmmph"s and strolls away. Somebody else approaches me with dark purple and I assume they are just gonna make fun of me again but when they get near they ask, "You okay?"

My eyes widen at the purple-haired person's question. Usually people overhear Monoma and ask me questions afterwards. I reply, "Yeah, It just sucks being made fun of for your quirk."

"I understand. Ignore them next time. They can't hurt you if they can't get to you.", He says to me and I nod. "Everyone tells me that but when I try It never works."

"My quirk was known for being showing villainous properties. It worked for me.", He says and starts to stroll away. I never got his name but I don't want to be awkward like in those movies so I just go a different route to my home.

" Pro Hero Building U.S.J. was just attacked with students inside! AllMight..."

The giant billboard on the different route home sounds and I look up to see pictures of everyone in U.S.J.

"One Teacher and one student injured in the attack."

It says and it displays a picture of my slightly mangled body collapsed on a stretcher. It pans to Aizawa's picture and I grimace at the gore. As I look away I rush faster to my house just wanting to drift off into sleep.

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Tell me if there are any mistakes or things I can do better. I also accept any criticism for my story!


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