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Sakura's pov

Well.... Sasuke kun left the village month ago while me still depressed..
But I trained in lady tsunade to her apprentice.

I was practicing my chakra
"Hey Sakura! U really need go to rest because we have a lot of things to do tomorrow."

A familiar voice just said
Look at side and saw a woman, and it was lady stunade

"Hai! Stunade sama I'll get some rest"

She nods and walks away
And again I was in deep of my thoughts again

'I wish that I can forget sasuke kun for no reason..'
I look up and see the sky

"Yup! Get some rest and have some training tomorrow..."


Well I got home early,
And eat some chips while reading a book to pass time.

Then I was cleaning of my room and I saw a picture of team 7.

Well ofcourse I hid it and put it under of my closet...

I lied down at my bed and I slowly close my eyes....

-Sasuke pov-

Orochimaru and I finished training and I sit beside the oak tree and I start close slowly..

'I wonder... If Sakura will hates me or not'

Sasuke thought

3rd person pov
Well next morning Sakura woke up at five while Sasuke woke up at four.

Sakura get up from her bed and start doing a morning routine and then she start stretching and warm up for her training

While Sasuke got up and find some left over food in the fridge.

Then he saw 5 pure red tomatoes,
He quickly grab it then start eating it.

Sakura's pov
Yup I got my breakfast!
Sunny side up,

and I quickly got change my house clothes int training clothes. And I toothbrush for two min.

And quickly put on my mission sandal and go out of my house and quickly run to hokage's tower.

Two year's passed...

Well today I'm in hokage's office to get my mission from lady stunade...

"Sakura I know you're brave and remember that I trained you.
As a shinobi of leaf, u should go find some research about this.."

She led me a scroll

"Hai! Stunade Sama I will completely finished my mission and I will be back as soon as possible.."
I said

"You got one week mission for that... Well prepare your things for tomorrow, leave in the village in quarter to five, Got it?"

She said seriously
I nod and I quickly go home to pack my things.

One min. Later...

Well I got home last 30 sec.
I pack my things for tomorrow and I go to the hot springs..

At hot springs..
"Ahhh... So relaxing..."
I close my eyes and feel the warm of my body

*minutes passed*
I got up and slowly walk into the dressing room of the hot springs and I change my towel into my original clothes.

I get out from the hot spring then I suddenly sense a dark chakra. but it was not naruto chakra...

Then suddenly it disappeared.

'Nahh, maybe I was too excited for my mission..'

I thought to myself
And I chuckled
And slowy walking towards to the direction of my house

Sasuke's pov

Yup, I need a little power of oruchimaru
And orochimaru's assistant

(people not Kabuto) she was so annoying, and you know what? She is the one of my fangirls
(Ahheemm... So feeler)

and she almost SEDUCED ME?!?!?!?!!?! So fucking annoying...
If I saw sakura again I would say sorry for her with all of my heart...

Sorry for the short story!!
But soon I'll make it long soon...
I hope my u like this chapter

Rᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ Mᴇ? (𝑆𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑆𝑎𝑘𝑢 𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now