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Sakura's pov
And we've been walking for hours!!!,
And I ask
"T-toby san?, where are we going?"
And he replied
"In my hideout.. Don't worry you'll be part of my family so soon~~"
He said in excited way
"Huh?, what do u mean I will part of your 'family' soon?"
I ask and I don't know what he was talking about...
"You'll get it soon"
Toby replied
Really?!, maybe I have to wait in patient
I thought and continue walking with Toby San...

-at konaha-
Naruto's pov
I ran towards the top building using my chakra on my both feet and suddenly someone shouted
"He's having a ball!"
Pervy Sensei said (actualy, Jiraiya is a pervert sannin (¯―¯٥)) and I grin
And when I'm in top of the building and I shouted
"It takes me back and the village hasn't changed! Everyone Naruto Uzumaki is back!"
I shouted happily
And I saw three kids and they are so familiar.
And I grin, then I jumped over them and they looked at me shocked
"Hello konohamaru, moegi and Udon! (Actually Idk who is the boy w/ glasses I hope u understand 😓😔)"
I greet them until konohamaru jumped and hugged me
"Big brother Naruto! your back!"
He hugged me tightly
Ehhh where is Sakura Chan?
"Hey have u seen Sakura Chan?"
I ask
And I saw konohamaru w/ questionig look at moegi and untill moegi spoke
"Ehh? Sakura nee-chan? They said she's been in solo mission. And I don't know what's her mission." She explained
"Thanks moegi, I'm just gonna ask granny Stunade for that!, bye see u again!"
I said as I waves my hand to them
When I arrived at the hokage's buding and I went inside so I cantalk to granny stunade
And I opened the door quickly and I shout
She shouted at me
"Eh, hehe sorry granny Stunade I was here beca-"
I was cut off by granny, she just chop my head
I shout
"I Told U Not To Called Me Like That!!"
She shouted in front of my face
"But I'm already used to it!!!!!, anyway where's Sakura chan?"
I ask her seriously
"Oh Sakura?, she's still on her mission, and its a one week mission"
She said confidently
"Oh no wonder why she's isn't here"
I said in a low voice
"By the way, I was really happy that the village changeda lot, *bowed* And I'm happy to see u too, Granny Stunade"
And I dash off to go out
"Hey come back here!!"
She shouted, but still I can hear her shout while run outside to the hokage office.

-to Sakura and toby-
Sakura's pov

Uughh... It takes two hours walking and following him
And he stopped
"Are here already??"
I ask while I breath heavily
"We're here..."
He said in low voice
I looked up
'Wait a cave?'
"Don't go without me, because you don't know who they are"
He said and he looked at me w/ his crimson red eyes behind that orange mask and I gulp
When we get inside its really dark as pitch black
Suddenly he said
" Just walk straight towards the direction we walk"
He said
I said
As we walk straight and I saw a dim light
As we walk further to that light and we stop
"Ready Sakura Chan?"
In a childish voice
"Anyway don't act like we know to each other okey?"
He ask
"Eh?, why"
I ask him
"Lets go"
He grab my hand and open the door where the light come from
When it open, I saw... A basement?
"Where did you go madara sama?, and who's that girl?"
A deep male voice said
And I turned around and I saw a orange haired man  he wear's black cloak and it has red clouds in it and I saw pupled haired lady beside him and she wear's desame as him and I realized
'Wait, madara? Who is he?! and who is this two?! Are they couple?! Does this mean is this his family?!'
"Well I was walking around and I saw this girl in the river, and I brought her to the hospital, a week later she's been recoverd and the doctor said she has a memory loss, and did you know?, that she is the apprentice of the 5th hokage. One and only Sakura Haruno."
Toby said in a husky voice
'Wait what?, I don't get a thing!'
"Hhmmm, since she was as the apprentice of the legendary sannin... I'll make sure she'll be trained to use a medical justu... Konan."
He said
"Bring this girl to hideout (A/N: ikay guys i really don't know what is akatsuki hideout... Pls don't hate meh!😔) and let u to introduce them to her."
Ge finished
"Hai, Pein-Sama"
He walk out w/ toby and left me w/ konan and she smiled
"Pls. Follow me, and don't worry they are not scary as him"
She chuckled, as she walk towards the other door and opened it
And I saw...
A simple house funiture and it has a big space and I saw a bunch of men who was sitting on the long couch
"Hey konan! Who's this new bitch?!"
The silver haired man said as he stand up
'Wait what?, for your information I ain't no bitch you fucktard!' I thought to myself
"Respect for our guest hidan"
Konan spat at him
"Ugghh! Women these days"
Ge crossed his arms rudely
"Anyway she is part of our organization, and no one can hurt her or lay their finger on her because you'll get killed by Pein-sama, Got It?"
She said as her face looks so calm
"Eh?, who's this girl anyway?"
One of them ask
"Oh by the way she is Sakura Haruno, from the leaf, she's been found in the river and she has memory loss, before you ask questions; she is not a rogue ninja.
She is the apprentice of 5th hokage, Stunade Senju, the legendary sannin and best in medical ninjutsu."
She finished her speech, and when it finish all of them looked at me furiously especially the raven haired man and it has wrinkles side of his nose.
"Pls... Everyone respect her"
As she stayed quiet at the whole time and when someone break the silence
"Anyway I'm Hidan! Bitch!" Ofcouse I already know u jerk! "I'm kakuzu" he has mask "sasori" "deidara! Hmm!" 'He looks like a girl or a barbie doll "kisame" "itachi"
'Hhmmm itachi, seems familiar "I'm toby! Tabo is a good boy!" A famliar childish voice shouted.
As I looked at the corner it was him...
'Anyway don't act like we know to eachother okey?' His voice was echoing on my mind and I smile
"H-hi everyone, nice to meet u all" as I bowed
"Aawww~~ Sakura-chan never forget to respect others!!"
Toby said while his jumping like someone is giving him a surprise gift or something
"Now now, I'll show you where your room, by the way, Itachi?"
She said
Ge hummed
"Can u tour her around this hideout after I show her room?"
She ask
"Hn, fine"
He said as his face looks so calm
'Now, looks like its my new life'

I'm very very sorry that I haven't update, and this book reach in 122 views!!! OMG! Isn't it great! Oh anyway sorry for the wrong grammar hehe😏
See u in next chapter!!!!
Lab u!💜💚💙❤️

Rᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ Mᴇ? (𝑆𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑆𝑎𝑘𝑢 𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now