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Sakura's pov
Me and... Hitachi?, tachi?, Itachi?? Oh yeah its Itachi!!
He showed me where the kitchen, c.r., and more!
This place is so big!!!!
"Uh, uh hey Itachi-San?, can we go back to my room now?"
I ask him
"Sure lets go back right away.."
He said as he walk to opposite direction and I follow him
Minutes later where here
"Th-thanks for the tour Itachi-San!"
I smiled at him
"Your welcomed"
He said and he walk away
And ofcourse I get in, in my own new room!!!
And I jumped in the bed and I faced towards the ceiling and it slowly closing my eyes......

---at konaha---
Stunade's pov
Lots of documents needs to sign!!
Even Sakura didn't even come back!
I shouted to the anbu
"U called for me Hokage sama?"
The anbu said
"Call the team 10, team 8, and team 7..."
I command him
"Hai hokage sama"
He vanished
"I have a bad feeling about this..."
I murnred to myself
---minutes later---
"Now, now are u guys complete right now?, I won't start if someones missing"
I said
Until a door suddenly creak open
"Hehe sorry, I have to help an old lady to carr-" I cut off
"Don't say your lame excuses Kakashi, are we guys complete?" I ask
All of them nodded
I cleared my throat and spoke
"You have a mission a very long mission"
I said they look to eachother in unison
"How long?" Choji ask
"Until you find... Sakura..." I looked down and I feel worry about her when I said her name
"Ehh?!?! What happend?! Granny Stunade/Hokage sama?!?!"all of them ask
"Ugh, lower your voice, Sakura is missing until know... I only give her one week mission... and she hasn't back its almost two weeks in a half and she doesn't Back?!, and now your mission is to find her no matter what happens... I'll give you a one month mission, and send me some letters if somethings wrong k?, are we clear?" I finish
"Hai Hokage sama/Granny Stunade"
They said and I hear naruto's voice calling that makes me feel like a old woman
"NARUTO?!?! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT DON'T CALL ME LIKE THAT?!?!?! IT MAKES ME FEEL OLD?!?!?!?" I screamed at them but then naruto's laughter began echoing the room while others are starting to chuckle while me obviosly starting to irritated,
I clear my throat
"Now your mission starts in a two days after. You guys better prepare food and weapons, got it?" I ask
All of them nodded
"Well you guys are dismissed" I told them
All of them are in sad expresion as they walk out
'Sakura, I know that your okay...'

Naruto's pov
I can't believe Sakura chan didn't come back...
'I won't let anything happend to you Sakura chan' I murmured under my breath
We stopped in the middle of the road as we looked up our sensei's until kakashi sensei spoke
"Before we go home make sure you guys packed and we meet tommorow at training ground in 5 am, are we clear?" He said
"For what sensei?" Ino ask
"What a drag" shikamaru said
And Kakashi-sensei spoke
"For training, in case if we get ambushed by a bunch of S rated criminals." Sensei explained
"U guys are now dismissed, and by the way we meet at 5 k?"kurenei sensei said
"Hai!" All of us said
All of were saying their good bye's and suddenly I felt a arm tapped my shoulder, and I noticed the scent,
It was kiba
"Yo! Naruto! U okay?! Your so quiet back there?!?!" Kiba said
"Ugh, your voice is too loud y'know?!" I said
All of stop their tracks
"Don't worry naruto, I'm sure we'll bring that billboard brow back"
She said as we parted our ways

Yyyuuppppp~~~~ here it is!, thank you for supporting me always! And I'm sorry for the late updates! See ya soon!!!!
Lab u!❤🥰❤🥰❤🥰😘😘😘

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