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Sakura's pov
-next day-

I'm here in konaha gates now, I wish there's nothing happened in my mis-

"Oi!! Hey forehead! No good bye's?!?!"
Someone shouted

Yup it was Ino

"Aww common! Gime a hug InoPig!!"
I turned while I shouted


She hug me tight

"HEY BILLBROAD BROW(I dunno whats the spelling) BE SAFE!!"
She shouted

"H..hey ino..pig I can't brreeaathh.."
I said


She get off on me

"U know what? I know this mission is gonna be easy!"
I smiled warmfully

"U better not to die!!, ot else I'm going to kill u really bad in after life!
Ino scoled me

"Hey ino-pig don't worry I'll br fine."
I hugged her tightly

"I'm going to miss u"
I said

"Me too.."

I was saying goodbye to my friends
And I start walking towards to the direction...

--time skip no jutsu!! (A/N: I'm lazy typing as ever!)--

??? Pov

"Looks like she's the one who madara wants."
I said

"Yep.. She's the one..."
I grinned

"I wonder if she tastes good..."

"Hn we need to reaport this to tobi"

"Right, let's go"

---time skippy no jutsu!!-----

Sakura's pov

Its getting dark. I need to stay in safe place so I can keep away from the other ninja's.

When I found a place to make a tent.
I remembered when chunnin

(pls don't get angry coz i dunnot know whatd the spelling! Hihi😅😅")
exams in the forest of death...

"I wonder why he leaves..., Nah!! That's not even my business anymore!"
I said politely.

'*sigh* yea girl we've moved on!! *wink, wink*' my inner said, and I chuckled...

"Welp! Its time to make a tent and start to find some wood to make some tent"

I made a hand signs and ma clone appeard.
"Hey! Can u fixed my tent?, I'm going to find some woods to make a camp fire."

I said to my clone. She nodded,
and I
start towards the forest...

---time skippy no jutsu!!! Brought u by, Author Chan's laziness------

Rᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ Mᴇ? (𝑆𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑆𝑎𝑘𝑢 𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now