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Enjoy~ 😘

3rd person pov

Sakura woked up from the sun beaming across to her face. She was in her room, She yawn and sit up with a smile on her, she look at her nightstand and she saw a picture....

there was a man with silver hair with a weird headband and his other eye has been covered by its head band and  there was a three children that was wearing desame weird head band, the boy in the left has blonde hair, and the middle was a girl she has desame pink hair, and lastly at her right side it was a boy he has raven hair. And he's cute (A/n: *chokes*)

but why they are so familiar? Who are they?, why I am here?, where am I ?, Sakura wanted to scream but it wouldn't work, untill someone called her name "Sakura-chan!, wake up!, time for breakfast!. Or else me and Teme will finish all of this!!!" A loud and familiar voice shouted across the room, her feet were dragging her out of the room and walk down stairs and saw, there was two guys in the dinning table waiting for her....

she wanted to scream but it failed again a seconds later her vission blured and then she was in another place it was filled with flowers and birds flock its wings and fly away, she felt awe.

She feels like she was in the paradise, the butterflies fly all around. And then something caught her sight. It was a man, he was wearing a tuxedo, he has black raven hair he looks desame in the picture.

He came closer and closer, her heartbeat was getting faster. She felt... Happiness, and yet Sadness?. But why? Why is that she can't recognize the guy?, who is he?, why she feels something to that guy?.

Untill the man cupped her face and said "Sakura...." he trailed off then the place began to fade, before he's going fade he placed his forehead into her's and said;

"Remember me"

She jolted up from her first and weird dream. 'What kind of dream is that???', she thought untill her vission blurred from tears and starting to fall. Then she wiped her tear, 'why I am crying?' She wanted to stop crying yet she can't, there was a hard pang hitted her chest, not realising why then...

She started to sob like a baby. Wiping her tears away because her tears won't stop, she kept crying louder and louder...

Konan was near in sakura's room, she was holding a tray with food untill she heard something. It was like someone crying, with that Konan quickly open the door, she saw Sakura crying.

Konan quickly put the tray on her nightstand and she place her hand on Sakura's shoulder which made Sakura caused to flinch, when she looked up Konan was shocked to see her sobbing deeply then Konan realise she need a support...

"Are you okay?, you're sobbing like a baby what's wrong?" She ask hoping theres a reason why but Sakura just shrugged

"I- I d-don't know w-why... I w- was dre-dreaming then wh-when I w-wake up.... I w-was crying i-it just.... won't st-stop" Sakura said between her sob. Konan began to worried.

"What does your dream looked like?" She ask, then later Sakura told her the details every word she spoke Konan's worried expression began to worse.

"Don't worry about that... we'll find asnwers soon enough, why don't you eat your food?, just keep yourself strong okay?" Konan was suprised what she said that to Sakura, the Sakura nodded

"I'll try, thank you Konan-San" Sakura said with a small smile splattered on her face Konan return her gesture and began to get up

"Your welcome Sakura-Chan, if there something wrong just tell me okay?" Konan said the Sakura nodded with that she was supposed to take a step from her door she looked at Sakura then smile

"Rest well, bye" with that Konan left Sakura

Sakura looked at her nightstand and began to eat, while at Konan was wearing worried expression as she walks towards to pein's office.

---at konaha---

The team 10, 8, and 7 was waiting to the last person will come, three hours of waiting to him, Asuma and Kurenei was talking to eachother having their time.

While Naruto and Kiba was complaining that Kakashi was late while Akamaru was sleeping beside him, Guy and Lee was  running around in the village like its already a hundred laps, Chouji was happily eating his chips.

Tenten and Ino was giving advice to Hinata 'how to get a boy', Shino was talking to his insects (A/n: And please don't laugh), Neji was taking a nap from time to time together with Shikamaru, and Sai was sitting alone (A/n: but not that far from the group) painting.

Minutes later Guy and Lee came both of them were breathing hard, untill all of them interruped by someone.

"Sorry I'm late, A black cat crossed my path, so I had to go the long-" Kakashi was cut off by Naruto and Kiba "You're late Kakashi-Sensei we are waiting for three hours?!?!" Both of them were complaing to Kakashi while he just rub his hands at the back of his nape (A/n: which I found it adowable \♡w♡/)

Untill Kurenei interruped, "Since all of us are complete we'll start training" she said and Asuma added "I agree with her, once this training finish we'll go eat lunch if..." Asuma cut off which cause all of the chunin wondered.

"If what Sensei?" Ino ask and Kakashi answer her

"If you won't fail this training"

*Time skip brought you by Tobi's cuteness UwU*

Kakashi's drills and training was brutal, and Shikamaru doesn't mind as well as Neji's, well all of them succeed the training, which cause Naruto and Kiba raced to the bbq's resturant.

Once all of them arrived their destination all of the ordered, Naruto was enjoying his food, little did he know that all of them was smiling at him.

A/n: Hey guys!, here's the new chapter!.
I'm really sorry for updating so long...
I've been busy, you know? School stuff? Damn I feel hell!
We only have 300+ views to reach 1k!, isn't it amazing?!.
Thank you guys for supporting this book!, I was keeping forward to update more!
You guys should know its hard being a writer when your place doesn't have a signal or internet *tears dropping*
I hope you guys like this chapter!
And stay safe!, always sanitize our hands and keep social distancing!
Luv u guys!!!

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