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(I don't own the picture and naruto)
--one day later--

Sakura's pov

Sigh.... I can't even find what's in the srcoll!!!,
I hope I wi-

I cut off by my thoughts, to the sound and I Dodge after that I saw the kunai on the tree.

And I concentrate my chakra to my hand and punch ground, and it crack towards the  bushes,

"Get out of there!, I know that your here!"
I shout

"Looks like u found our secret passage..."

The husky low voice said

"Huh? What do u mean secret passage way?"
I ask

"You'll know"
The voice said and suddenly something was pulling me
And I gasped

"Its a genjutsu"
I put my hands together and shout


The vission is fading and I saw a squishy and slimmy and I realize it was...

A giant octupos

"What da he-"

I was cut off when the giant octupos throw me at the falls


I screamed
And I landed on water, my headband float away towards me
And I thought

'I'm sorry guys.... This is my last day of my life'

And I'm out of breath and my eyes closed slowly....

??? Pov

"Toby there she is!"
The white zetsu said

I ask and he pointed to the riverbank and

I saw a pink lady floating
'She is'
I thought

"Go get her"
I command
And zetsu nods
And he disappeared on the ground

"Now, now... You'll be one of us now..."

I murmured and smirk

--one week later--
-at the konaha-

Ino's pov

"Ughh!, why does billboard brow didn't come back in this village!,
Does her mission was so hard?!?!,
Its been a one week!!!!!!!"

I huffed and crossed my arms on my chest

"Yeah I know... Its been one week and her mission was that easy troublesome woman"

Shikamaru said putting his hands on his head

"Huh? What's her mission shikamaru?"
I ask

"Her mission was, she has to research about what lady stunade gave her"
He stopped

I ask waiting for him to continue

"Then that mission has to be in three days there but lady stunade gaved her in one week mission what a troublesome woman"
He finished

"Yea, looks like I have to patient waiting for her..."

I look down and I thought that

'Something weird, on the world of kami pls. Take care of my best friend'

---at the hideout---

Toby's pov

Its been a week since she's in asleep, I was waiting here on the outside of patient's room where Sakura was there.

Rᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ Mᴇ? (𝑆𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑆𝑎𝑘𝑢 𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now