Betrayal of The Force Captain (part 2)

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Catra stared down at the old sorcerous, her pupils were now slits and her fist were clenched so tight her knuckles turned white. Her claws digging into her palm, nearly ripping her skin, as she stared at the masked woman.

"Shadow Weaver, Lord Hordak wants to send you to Beast Island." Catra said, trying to maintain a confident tone and a strong posture. She had finally overcome her fear of her abuser, she was no longer a threat to her, but deep down somewhere, she felt scared; lost even.

"Oh but of course he does, Hordak knows that I have valuable information about the horde that he doesn't want to leak. Especially about his plans." Shadow Weaver said simply, but no ounce of worry was evident in her voice. Either she really wasn't scared, or she was doing a hell of a good job hiding how terrified she possibly is.

"Don't you care? This is a death sentence, what don't you understand about that? Unless you can give me a good enough reason to convince Hordak to keep you here then you're a goner." Catra explained, she didn't completely understand why she was trying to defend to woman who had despised her for years now. But here she was, doing just that.

Shadow Weaver simply pressed her head against the cold, hard metal wall. But she didn't say a word, she simply stayed quiet.

Catra's mismatched colored eyes narrowed down at the horrid woman and shook her head slightly, "You have nothing to say for yourself? I'm trying to give you a chance to stay alive, but you really are useless." 

The feline scoffed as she turned her back to Shadow Weaver and make her way out of the cell, but she stopped in midstride when the sorcerer finally spoke up, "I have nothing left to give to the horde, Catra, but spare an old woman and please retrieve my old sorcerous badge. It should be within my belongings." Shadow Weaver asked, looking at the back of Catra's head. 

The feline didn't turn around to speak to the masked woman, "You don't get to ask things of me anymore." Her voice low and eerily calm as she exited the cell, the hologramlike door closing as she made her departure.  


Adora, the princesses, and Bow were all in Adora's room, working together to brainstorm some ideas to save both Glimmer and the queen.

"Mermista, I need you go through the sewer pipe and access the door so that Frosta and I can get in." Adora started.

"I am not going through those pipes again, do you know what I had to do and endure just to get to that door?" Mermista said with a tense glare.

 The other gave silent glances at each other before Adora spoke up again, "It worked last time, and once again, your the only person who can breath under water." The blonde girl explained.

"Perfuma and Bow will access the security tower and shut off the lights, and once Mermista gets the door to open, we all go in together and stick to the plan. This time we don't lose any princesses, we stay together. I can't afford to happen again." Adora said in a sad tone.

 Everybody in the room lowered their gazes, recalling the moment they had to watch a fellow princess die. Frosta, even though she wasn't there, was informed about what had happened. 

Bow, decided to speak and lift everyone's spirits a bit. "Nobody will be left this time Adora, we're going to get Glimmer and queen Angella and get out of there in one piece." 

Adora and the rest of the princesses nodded their heads in approval and continued on sorting out the plan. And once they were done with that, they set out on their mission. (Of course, they told the guards to protect the castle until they came back with their rulers).


Catra made her way to the captive queen's cell, punching in the code the moment she reached said cell. Her eyes and facial features holding no emotion.

Angella glared up at the force captain with spite, her brows furrowed as she waited for the feline to say something.

The magicat, however, said nothing as pulled out a set of keys and unlocked the shackles that held the queen captive.

Angella stared at the feline in disbelief, "This  must be a trick, has to be." 

"Follow me, we're going to get Twinkle Toes and then I'm helping you escape." Catra said in a monotone voice, already walking out of the cell. 

Angella's eyes widened in absolute shock, but reluctantly followed close behind the almost lifeless looking magicat. 

It didn't take long until they found the princess of Brightmoon, Glimmer having the same reaction as the queen until she saw her mother appear from behind the feline. 

Once Glimmer was released and she shared a loving hug with her mother, they both turned to Catra, the same question burning in both of there heads.

The feline, however, was lost in her own little world. She messed up, twice. If Hordak was to find out, she would either be killed by his hands, or beaten senseless and then thrown out of the Fright Zone for good. And everything she had ever worked for, would go to absolute waste. 

But at this point...

She didn't care.

She stopped caring a long time ago. 

"Catra? Catra! CATRA!!" 

Glimmer's loud voice ringed in her ears as she ws finally brought back into the harsh reality she lived in. She looked a the queen and princess, who were still wrapped in one another's arms and said, "Let's go, knowing Adora she's probably already here with her little princess gang trying to break you two out of here." Catra said, her voice wavering between and indescribable emotion and no emotion at all.  

Both Glimmer and Angella glanced at each other, both having the same exact thoughts, but still followed after the feline.

She was, after all, their only way to escape at the moment. 


Adora, Bow, and the rest of the princesses were in the scrapyard of the horde, yet again. 

"Alright, you guys remember the plan right?" Adora said, when she got confirmation from every with a solid nod, she nodded back and stood up from the lard scrap pile they were all crouched behind. 

When Adora looked towards the door and around the area to make sure it was clear, what she saw completely confused her. 

"Guys, I'm not sure if I'm getting enough sleep... but is that Glimmer and Queen Angella behind Catra?!"

A series of confused grunts and 'huh's" could be heard behind the blonde, but Adora kept on staring at the open door to really make sure she wasn't hallucinating.

"No way... they don't looked harmed.. and that's definitely them." Bow said in equal amount of disbelief, like the rest of the princesses.

Bow, Adora, and the alliance rose up and walked over to them, being cautious of the tower light that was circling around for possible intruders.

"Bow? Adora!" Glimmer exclaimed as she ran towards her two best friends. 

Adora was happy that both the queen and princess of Brightmoon were safe and unharmed, but she was still confused about one thing, so she looked towards Catra.

The feline, however, had the same dead; expressionless face as before. She looked right back at Adora before closing the tough, metal door and walking away. Like it was nothing.

The blonde frowned, but was soon brought back to the happy little celebration when Glimmer pulled her into the large group hug that she didn't even know had formed.

But she still had one serious thought that lingered in her mind. 

"Why did she free them?" 

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