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Harry's pov

I was sleeping peacefully until a bitch decided to Knock on it.

"What" I mumbled.

"Queen, you're wanted on the breakfast table" a girly voice said.

"Okay" I said and got up rubbing my eyes.

"What the? It's only 8 am" I sighed but got up going into the bathroom.

I came back, putting the same clothes on because I don't know where are my clothes, ugh.

"Good morning harry" Queen Patricia smiled at me.

"Oh, good morning queen"I said.

"I figured out that you don't have clothes, and you'll obviously not wear female clothes so here are some clothes from the wardrobe of Minister Louis. Since he is of your size" she chuckled.

"Thank you so much" I smiled.

"Change quickly and come down, we're waiting for you" she said and went away.

I picked up the clothes and it was a yellow tee-shirt and plain wash Jeans. I didn't know Ministers wear these type of clothes.

I shrugged and wore my clothes and went out of my room.

"Follow me, Queen" a scary looking man said.

I gulped and started following him, soon he leaded me into a big Royal room.

I was leaded to a big table on which the Queen was seated and Nawab Zayn was sitting on the head chair.

"Come on harry, that's your seat" Queen smiled pointing to the chair next to my husband.

I nodded and sat down, a girl put a platter in front of me and I started eating it.

"Are your clothes comfortable Queen Harry".? Queen Patricia asked.

"Yes, very.i didn't know people wear these type of clothes in the castle ". I said.

"Yah, Minister Louis like to wear them. And look he's here" she smiled brightly.

"Hello Mother, Hello Nawab and Hello my dear Queen. Welcome to the palace" a short man said and bowed a little.

I nodded, not knowing what to do.

"He's Minister Louis, right hand Minister of Nawab and a son to me" queen smiled.

"But you're short, how do I fit in your clothes?" I asked.

"Ugh, not you too" he groaned.

After that Nawab Zayn burst out laughing and soon queen also started laughing.what?

"Lou, now you have to accept you're smol" Nawab laughed.

"Give me a break I'm big" Minister Louis said

"Okay my Queen, Minister Louis wear big clothes" Nawab Zayn explained controlling his laughter.

I nodded and Minister Louis sat on the chair next to me.

"Nawab Zayn, weren't you supposed to wake up in your Queen's room? So why were you in your chamber this morning?" Queen Patricia asked making Nawab Zayn choke on his juice.

"Uhm, actually Mother you know I wake up at 5 in the morning for prayer, so I decided to study some files till you and My Queen Are sleeping" he explained. Liar liar pants on fire.

I heard Minister Louis sighing next to me, I looked at him but he just gave me a small smile and looked down.

"Alright then, Minister Louis I'm giving you the duty to show Queen harry the whole Kingdom" queen Patricia said.

"Alright Mother" Minister Louis smiled.

Hello everyone, I hope you liked it. I'm sorry I slept last night opps.
Okay so my school are starting from tomorrow so I won't be able to update on daily basis.
Love y'all keep voting

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