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Harry's pov

"No!! You've gotta be kidding me" I said laughing like a maniac and throwing my feet in the air.

"It was hilarious haz" Niall laughed turning on the bed.

"I wanna tell ya something" I said.

"Mhm?" He asked turning towards me.

"You remember troye?" I asked.

"Troye Sivan? Who used to live in the orphanage with us?" He asked.

"Mhm, he is General's Mistress! I found that yesterday" I said.

"OMG!" He said excitedly standing up.

"Oi calm down Nialler" I chuckled.

"Call him. I wanna meet him" he said.

"Alright" I giggled lightly.

"Scary men! Security" I called loudly.

Soon there was a knock on my door

"Queen, you want something?" One of the scary man said.

"Go to General and inform him that Queen wants to see his Mistress" I said.

"Alright, Queen" he said and left.

"Woah Queen, I'm highly impressed" Niall chuckled

"I know, peasant" I giggled loudly.

"Queen, the general's Mistress is here" one of scary man said.

"Alright you shall send her in" I said and soon the door opened revealing troye.

"NIALL!! OMG MISSED YOU" troye said hugging Niall.

"Me too" Niall said and soon they both jumped on my bed.

"Can't believe you both will stay together" Niall sighed

"You can too" I smirked

"H-how?" Niall asked.

"Niall, date Minister Louis"Troye said.

"WHAT?I don't even know him. We've just met" Niall said.

"Niall plz. Im telling you he's amazing" I said.

"Yah, he so kind" troye said.

"Plus he's so handsome. And he's wise" I said.

"He has heart of gold" troye answered.

"To be honest, he's the best from all 3 men. Even better then my husband and his General" I said.

"EXCUSE ME" Two Loud voices boomed followed by a chuckle.

"Thank you so much Queen, and mistress" Minister Louis chuckled.

"That's disrespect! You can't say another man is better then your husband, my Queen"Nawab said sounding offended.

"Troye? You'll be punished tonight" General Liam smirked.

"Go get a room! Ew" Minister Louis said.

"Yah, your virgin ass can't relate" Nawab Zayn laughed.

"Shut the fuck up" Minister said.

"Sure, virgin" general Liam said and he Along with Nawab burst into fits of laughter

"Oh god you guys are so cute" Niall laughed loudly.

"Let's watch a movie" Nawab Zayn said.

"Movie? Seriously?" I asked.

"Of course why won't I be serious, my love?" He asked chuckling

Asshole, liar, bullshitter, hypocrite.

The movie night was extremely fun, and now we all were heading back to our rooms.

"Minister louis, show Niall his room" Nawab Said.

"Let him sleep with me"I pleaded

"Then where will I sleep?" He asked.

"Plz Nawab Zayn for me?" I asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Alright, I'll sleep with Louis then, Goodnight"he smiled and left.

"Come on, tell me about everything" i said dragging Niall inside.

We were busy talking when suddenly the door opened loudly scaring us both.

"Nawab Zayn? Minister Louis?" I asked.

"Uhm, we'll sleep here tonight! I can't leave you alone with another man" he said and jumped on one couch.

"Why should I be pissed in between of your insecurities?" Minister huffed and laid on other couch.

"We shall sleep" Niall chuckled turning away

I also turned on my side and drifted into sleep with one thought on my mind.

Was he jealous?

Hello everyone!! How are y'all? Thank you for being patient with me. Hope you liked the chapter.
Q: do you like Louis more or liam? (In the story)
Keep voting love y'all

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