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2 weeks later

Harrys pov

"Ugh, maths totally sucks" i groaned as I entered my maths class

It was empty, except one boy. Wait it was Zayn.

I just sighed and entered the room.

"Hey, Harry" he called out grinning at me.

"Hey" I replied dryly. Don't get me wrong, Harper is growing his teeth so he won't sleep at night which means we all 3 have to stay awake with him.

"You're sitting at my usual place" I complained.

"Uhm, cuz I wanted to sit with you" he said nervously scratching the back of his neck.

I shrugged and sat with him.

"Hey Harry!" Selena said entering the class.

"Hey selly, how ya?" I grinned hugging her.

"I'm great, the prom is coming, got any proposals?" she asked.

"No, and you know I won't go with anyone" I sighed.

"Haz, you have to live your life babe" she said smiling sadly at me.

"I'm okay Sel" I nodded.

"Okay then, I'm going with Charlie" she grinned.

"Puth?" I asked.

"Yupp" she answered.

"Oi he's damn cutee, you lucky girl" I giggled.

"Thank you" she said winking at me.

The bell rang signalling the end of lesson, I had free period so I got up and went towards the locker room.

After putting my books in the locker I shut it.

"Uhm, Harry?" Zayn's voice rang through my ear.

I turned around and faced him.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Are you going to prom with anyone?" he asked.

"No, no one asked me" I shrugged.

"Will you go with me?" he asked.

"R-really?" I asked

"Ehm, yeah?" he asked.

"O-okay" I answered smiling.

"You're serious?" he asked as his lips turned into a wide grin.

"Yes Zayn, I'm serious" I chuckled softly.

Niall's pov

I made my way towards my locker whistling a tune.

As I opened the locker door, a price of paper slipped out of it and onto the floor.

I picked it up and read it.

Will you do an honour of going to prom with me?
Louis Xx

My lips curled into a smile seeing this, as I thought no one would ask me.

I turned around and saw Louis standing behind.

"So, will you?" he asked.

"Ofcourse" I nodded.

Hey guys!! This is a filler you'll get an update tomorrow, its a promise. Thank you for 3k reads, OMG love y'all so freaking much.
Q:Any guess about what will happen on prom??
Keep voting love y'all.
U Xxx

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