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Zayns pov

"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU, YOU BASTARD" I screamed and hit the belt right on his face

His as in, Minister Robin, Minister of Israel.

He just laughed bitterly.

"STOP LAUGHING" I screamed and again slapped the belt on him.

"Tch Tch, this is only thing Mr tough Nawab Zayn can do?" he chuckled.

"You don't even know what I can do with you for hurting my Queen" I whispered dangerously in his face.

"You touch me and my king will make sure to make your kingdom suffer" he smirked.

"Your king lol, can he even stand up with the amount of alcohol in his system?" I chuckled.

"Nawab Zayn, Queen Patricia needs you in her chamber" secretary of Army staff said.

"Mother? Okay I'll be there in a moment" I nodded.

"General Liam, now I leave everything on you" I said sternly.

"Dont even worry Nawab" he said bowing a little.

I nodded and left the dungeon.

I soon reached mother's chamber and knocked on the door.

"Come in" her voice ranged through my ear.

I opened the door and stepped I inside.

"Mother" I bowed Infront of her.

"I'm very proud of you that you saved Harry, but I'm quite disappointed" she said.

"I know, I'm sorry mom. I don't know why I did that" I sighed sadly.

"I want you to not keep your mistresses anymore since you have your husband" she ordered.

"Yes mother I will" I nodded.

"Now go to your Queen" she said smiling softly.

I nodded and chuckled before leaving.

I reached towards Harry's chamber and heard loud voice of Niall, Harry's softly laughs and Louis trying to shut Niall.

I opened the door gaining everyone's attention.

"Oh look, the bone of contention is here" Niall said and rolled his eyes at me.

"Shh Niall!" Louis scolded him.

"No it's okay Louis, let him speak" I said.

"If you wouldn't have been with that woman then my brother wouldn't have to go through this all" he said glaring at me.

"Niall, it wasn't his fault!" Harry's small voice said

"Oh please" Niall scoffed.

"I guess we shall go baby"louis said to Niall.

"No, im not going anywhere leaving my Harry" he argued.

"Nawab Zayn is here for Harry, let's go" Louis said grabbing his shoulders.

"huff, okay. Take good care Harry" Niall said kissing Harry's forehead.

"And you, Take good care of my brother. You've already disappointed me alot" Niall sternly said to me.

"I will Sir, don't worry" I chuckled slightly .

"Goodbye bro"louis nodded to me and they both left.

I turned towards Harry's and saw him fiddling with his fingers.

"Uhm, hey" I said.

"Hey" he lightly said looking down.

I walked closer to him and sat infront of him.

"Haz, I'm sorry" I sighed.

"No no, nawab Zayn. I shall thank you for saving me, if you wouldn't have reached there I don't know what would have happened." he sighed.

"Hey, No one can touch you as long as I'm alive. You understand?"

He nodded.

I pulled him inside my chest and he immediately hugged me back.

"You hungry?" I asked.

"No, I just wanna sleep" he sighed against my chest.

"Come on, let's sleep then" I said and pushed him on the bed gently. I then jumped on the bed with him pulling him into my arms.

"Good night haz" I said kissing his hair.

"Goodnight Nawab Zayn" he sighed in relief against my chest.

Heyaa everyone!! So finally the chapters here. Thoughts??
Q: Do you think they'll live happily every after Now?
Keep voting love y'all!

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