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Julie sat down at the table with a soft sigh. Dark circles were under the female's eyes, showing just how much this week had taken a toll on her.

Her children were off seeing the horses that were on the farm with the male that she had fallen in love with, even though she hadn't planned on it. However, because of racial slurs and discrimination, she didn't get the chance to show him the love she had felt for him.

A snort of disgust left her lips while she shook her head. Of course, she listened to them. Of course, she let what they say cloud her judgment of marrying a nice bo- uh- male- that she knew would take care of her. And, instead of listening to her mother, she married someone who she "loved," and he cheated on her with four different women.

"There goes my happy ending," she muttered, pulling her brown hair out of its braid and into a messy bun. "And, I'll never get to know the love that my mother knew."

She touched the black leather journal's cover and drummed her fingers on it. She knew that it had to be her mother's, but did she really want to read more about her "happy" marriage?

The forty-year-old female snorted and rolled her eyes. She didn't, but she knew that she had to. She had to know why her mother thought that it was important to give her this.

So, with a heavy heart and an open mind, she opened the journal to see what her mother had written.

The Untold Story of Prince Charming (Book 2 of Cinderella Series)Where stories live. Discover now