FrostSpider- You're 17?!

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Loki is only 17 in human years.

Lokis POV

This sucks. Why am I even here you may ask. Well it all started when my moron of an older brother said to everyone that I was only 17 in human years. 

Okay so what if I am?? I've still lived over a thousand years longer than them!

"Oh come brother! Don't look so sad" Thor said giving me a smile. "I am not sad! I'm pissed off!" I hissed at him, slamming my hand down on the table. "Language young man!" I turnt my head looking Rogers dead in the eyes.

"Excuse me??" He raised an eyebrow at me in confusion. "Did you honestly forget that I am a god?! You stupid mortal I've Live 10 of your lives!" I yelled standing up. "Did you forget? You're not on Asgard Loki. Meaning you're 17." He said walking over to the fridge, ignoring everything else I just said.

I growled at him, manifesting a blade. "You're 17 Mr Loki?!" My head snapped to the new voice. It was Peter. His hair was messy from sleep and he was sporting bright pink pants with cats on them and a large grey sweater.

"But you're a god right?? Do you just age really slowly?? That's so cool!" "WAIT! THAT MEANS YOU HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL!" He said jumping up and down, a smile on his face. "Also whats with the knife?" He asked tilting his head to the side as he walked up to the table.

I looked at the blade in my hand and quickly made it vanish. "What knife?" I asked playing dumb. Peter giggled cutely and shook his head slightly. "He has a point" Stark said entering the room. "Even if you are a god, you're going to be living here now, I think it could do you some good to go to school"

I looked at him, "Stark, you DO realise who I am right? I don't think I should be around children.." I said a frown on my face. "Teenagers, and you'll be fine. You'll be going with Peter anyway. F.R.I.D.A.Y you know what to do" "Yes boss" I looked at him in disbelief.

"Yay!" Peter yelled happily as I slammed my face into the table. 


It was finally my first day of high school and I already wanted to die. Peter had spent over a week helping me made a wardrobe for school, and I must say he has good taste in clothes. I went with a Black turtle neck, a pair of black ripped jeans, a black coat and healed boots.

(I legit dont know what the fucking name for the coat thing is and its driving me up the fucking WALL)

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(I legit dont know what the fucking name for the coat thing is and its driving me up the fucking WALL)

I left my room and went to find Peter. I walked into the living room and was greeted by Peter screaming at how good I looked. "WOW LOKI YOU LOOK SO GOOD!" Peter yelled running over to me. I chuckled, "You're the one who chose my wardrobe Peter" He looked up from my outfit and smiled.

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