Winterwidow- The mistake?

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Winterwidow. Bucky x Natasha. Yes a STRAIGHT ship omg! lmao

My hate for Steve really shows. Steve Stans might find this hard to read lmaooo

This kinda isn't for the light hearted at the start.

Natashas POV

I shot up out of bed, looking around frantically. I calmed my breathing once I realised where I was. I wasn't in the red room. I put my hand on my chest and took a deep breath. I looked over at the clock on my night stand. I sighed, '2:34 AM'. I sat up in my bed properly and put my head in my hands and cried.

Those horrible memories were so vivid. Not a day goes by that I don't think about what happened.

3rd POV

!!!!!!!!!!!!!FLASH BACK!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Natasha kept her eyes to the ground. She had no idea what was going to happen. "Это она?" "да". Natasha swallowed drily, trying to hide her fears but she didn't dare look up. She was pushed into a room with no windows and padded walls, she looked around confused before a tall man was pushed into the room. (That's Her? | Yes)

He had a muzzle on and thick steal chains around his wrists. His dark brown hair was oily and dirty, clearly it hasn't been washed in a while. His steely blue eyes locked onto Natasha. She gulped.

"Это агент Барнс. Я уверен, что вы знаете, кто он." Natasha nodded slightly, finally looking up at the unfamiliar men. One of the men moved to unchain James, leaving his muzzle on just in case. (This is Agent Barnes. I'm sure you know who he is.) 

"Миссия?" James said, his voice rough and deep. The man standing with a clip board chuckled darkly as he began closing the door. "воспроизводить" Natasha paled and took a step back as James took a step forward. (Mission?| Reproduce)

Natasha kept moving away from James until he cornered her. He grabbed her arms tightly, his metal fingers gripping tight enough to leave bruises.

James was by no means gentle. Natasha, who was a trained assassin could tell you that much. Her screams of pain drowned out by the padded walls. James was completely emotionless. HYDRA made sure to scramble him real good before today.

It went on for hours, Natasha eventually passing out, but James, who was a super soldier was able to go for hours. When 8 hours had passed the doors finally opened. They had been watching, and noticed James was out of steam. He was panting lightly behind his muzzle. Natashas legs wrapped around his waist  forcefully.

Natasha was passed out still. They removed James from the room and cleaned Natasha. When Natasha woke up James was gone and she was dressed in clean clothes. Her body ached in pain. She sat up slowly, wincing at the horrible pain in her groin.  

She looked down at her wrists, they had dark bloody bruises from James. She hadn't realised she was crying until she felt tiny droplets land onto her hands. She had just lost her virginity. The one thing KGB didn't take from her. The one thing she thought she could keep, was forcefully taken from her.

Natasha was brought to have a check up 3 weeks after she lost her virginity. The same men who locked her and Bucky up in that room where there. And they were beyond happy that she was pregnant. Natasha felt sick. This poor child was going to be born and used as a weapon.

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