Parley- Sweet Slytherin, Tough Gryffindor

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Eyy a request. Sorry it's taken so long i have like 4 drafts already lmao. I switched it up just a lil' bit from the request, sowwy. Also couldn't remember if you wanted smut or fluff so i did fluffy angst, :)

All spells used will be listed at the end!

3rd POV

Peter wiped his tears with the sleeve of his robe. He was sick of it. Of everyone. He was an outcast by his own house for not having the horrible traits they have. He wasn't a cruel person by nature. He didn't go out of his way to hurt people. He had a tendency to use other to get what he wanted sure, but he didn't knowingly do it. All the fights that 'he' started were because the others were picking on him and pushing him around.

Peter was a gifted wizard, but his housemates overlooked that. Peter was too weak to be a Slytherin. His gifted-ness may have made them even angrier about it, having such strong magic capabilities but ultimately being a wimp. It didn't help his case that he was muggle born. Hell he didn't even know his parents! He grew up with his aunt and uncle who both sadly passed away.  

Peter sighed shakily, his bones hurt from the beating he got. His lungs screamed in pain as he tried to keep level breathing, and stop himself from hyperventilating. Honest to god, he didn't mean to break Draco's nose. He really didn't, it kind of just happened. And since Peter broke the 'Slytherin Prince's' nose, Peter was mauled by his followers.

The other houses just looked on his disgust as Peter had the shit beaten out of him in the hallway. If it hadn't had been for Professor McGonagall, Peter probably would have been taken to the infirmary with broken bones and internal bleeding. None of the other houses tried to help him. Even going as far as to snicker. Not even Harry had tried to stop Dracos goons from laying into him.

Peter seen Harry as a close friend, and he though Harry seen him as one too. But even through his blurry eyes, he could see Harry turn his back on him and walk away with Ron. At the end of the day, he was just a weak, dirty, muggle Slytherin.

Peter sniffled, the thick blood in his nose making a horrid sound as it came to the back of his throat. Peter spat it out onto the stone floor, his teary eyes just staring at the dark red blood that quickly started to dry and harden against the cold floor.

The loud yelling of a group of students made Peter pick his feet up from the ground, pulling them up to his chest. "Oh Parker!! Come on out you filthy little muggle! We're not gonna' hurt ya'!" Peter whimpered into his knees quietly. The voices quietened for a moment before the same guy yelled, "Much!" This ensued a loud boom of laughter from what sounded like 6 or 7 other students. The slamming of stall doors made Peter jump, his heart was pounding and his breathing became erratic.

The loud thudding got closer and closer until it got to his stall, the last stall. Peter could see their shadows crowding around the door. It was silent other then the shuffling of feet. "Ohh Parker~" His name was drawn out slowly and quietly as a shadow indicated a hand raising to the door. Peter quickly drew his wand, the fear of being beaten anew coursing through his veins.

"Alohomora" The spell unlocked the stall door and Peters fight or flight instincts screamed at him to fight back. Just as the door was pushed open an inch, he quickly used his foot to slam it shut. Perhaps it wasn't the best thing to do because the door was rammed anyway. All 7 of them had their wands drawn ready to attack him.

"Everte Statum!" Peter watched in shock as all 7 of his attackers went flying into the wall. "I suggest you get out before I blast your asses to bits" The voice growled. "Yeah right! I bet you don't even know any good spells you stupid Gryffindor! Serpensortia!" The guy stood up, summoning multiple cobras. His friends laughed at the Gryffindor and joined the guy who was clearly the ring leader in summoning snakes.

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