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"You're kidding me, right?" I asked as Namjoon shook his head. "What would be my motive?"

"You're jealous Bangtan became more popular than you, so you're trying to take us down from the inside."

Was I really hearing what he was saying?

"You're joking right? You're really going to stoop that low? So what if you're more popular? I'm not trying to win a popularity contest here, Namjoon-ah."

"It's RM." He grumbled.

"It's whatever I want it to be." I snapped back in response before he huffed and crossed his arms.


"You will not work with Jimin anymore." He said sternly. "If any of the other members or myself find you two together, I'm talking to management."

I was dying on the inside, attempting to hide my shit eating grin—only for it to be replaced with a polite smile and a nod. "Fine."

Namjoon looked taken aback. Shocked that I acknowledged his demand.

What else was I supposed to do?

"Thank you for your time, Agust D-Hyung."

He then walked off as I shut the door.

"So, what are we gonna do now?" The boy asked from the couch, seeming completely hopeless after hearing the conversation that'd just occurred.

"It's simple. Look, here's the plan."

I began explaining my master plan. I was Min Yoongi—I only came up with the best ideas.

Jimin nodded with a smile as I explained; seeing our plan mold together in his head. He then stood and stretched.

"Thank you for letting me stay for
a little, Agust D-hyung–"

"No." I said, cutting him off. His face looked like he'd seen a ghost. "Yoongi." I corrected.

'What is this kid doing to me?' I thought. 'Nobody, gets to call me Yoongi.'

Jimin nodded with wide, hopeful eyes. "O-Okay Y-Yoongi-Hyung." He then smiled and left the studio.

But not before repeating a million thank-you's.

I yawned and shut off my computer; also leaving the studio about ten minutes later.

I made my way over to the adjacent building—the dorms.

"Holly." I called softly as I entered my apartment; watching the small poodle come trotting out from my bedroom.

I crouched down to pet him before going into my bedroom to lie on the bed.

I was going to get up in a moment, but my body seemed to decide other wise as I had fallen asleep just like that.

When my eyes opened, the sunlight beamed through the blinds.

'Did I really sleep all night?' I asked myself; being suddenly pulled from my thoughts at the sensation of buzzing from my left jeans pocket.

As the bright screen of my phone met my view; there were a few missed texts from a random number.

Unknown: Hi Yoongi-Hyung! It's Jimin ^^

Unknown: I got your number from Manager Sejin! ^^


Jimin: Goodmorning! ^^

Jimin: We have no schedule today, and I told the other members I was going to practice on my own

Jimin: ㅋㅋㅋ

Jimin: I'll come see you in the afternoon! ^^

Jimin: See you later, Yoongi-Hyung! ^^

'How could someone be so annoying without even trying?'

I hadn't even been awake for ten minutes, and the boy was already irritating me.

Though, I had to admit—it was kind of nice waking up with notifications that weren't from Sejin.

I carried on with my typical morning routine—heading to the fridge to find some left over junk food for breakfast and out the door.

Today's breakfast delicacy; two-day old pepperoni pizza.


I took the small walk over to the studio, entering it with a yawn.

I finished my cold pizza as I took a seat in my chair.

I had planned for the next studio session to be a recording session; hoping Jimin remembered.

After a few hours of fiddling with the instrumental, there was a knock at the studio door.

I rolled my chair over and turned the knob; knowing exactly who it was.

"Hi Yoongi-Hyung!" Jimin beamed happily as he entered the studio, immediately taking his spot on the stool next to the desk.

"Hi." I muttered, rolling back to where I was placed previously before he'd arrived. "Are you ready to record?"

"Oh absolutely!" He exclaimed.

It was much too early for the amount of positivity he was spewing; flowing out as if he couldn't stop it.

As I prepared tracks for his vocals, I began to make small talk; not finding my usual pleasure within the silence. "Are the other members being nicer to you, today?"

It was quiet once again before he spoke. "Um," He paused, seemingly hesitant to answer. "Yeah?"

Not once had I ever heard the kid second guess himself—though he might've been wrong, he was always very confident when it came to the words he said. "You're sure?"

He nodded, a slightly bitter tone leaving his lips as he hummed. "Mmhm."

'He probably doesn't want to talk
about you, you ass.'

"Alright, head over to the mic and we'll get started." I mumbled, leaning back in the chair as his usual demeanour returned; bubbly, fun, cute, Jimin.

Thankfully, we'd already had a song; only now needing it to be recorded.

We were practically racing against the clock to release it, before any of the other members of BTS found out we'd been working together.

That way, once the song was out, they'd have to support it; netizens would like me again, and I'd never have to sit in a room with the nonsensical Jimin ever again.

The plan was wonderful.

After hours upon hours of recording, Jimin sat on the stool with a huff.

"I think we're finished." I said, my free hand tugging at my lips. "I just need to mix it and then it's ready to go." I sighed a sigh of relief, a soft grin painting my lips.

As I looked over to the latter; he was making the expression I least expected to see.

The boy was displaying a small pout; the bottom portion of his full lips protruding slightly more as he kept his eyes glued to the floor.

"What?" I asked, annoyance somehow lacing my voice yet again.

He shrugged. "We're almost done, that's all."


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