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'Yes it's true.' I said defeated. 'Cool, if you work there you might know ponies on the Cloudsdale board. Maybe you can get them to tell where Ocellus is.' Said Sandbar. 'If I had a say in the Cloudsdale board, Ocellus would not have been sent away to begin with. I said nervously. If Rainbow Dash ever found out I had told them this, she would kill me. And then kill them. I was not loyal. I did not do what was for the greater good. 'How are rainbows made?' Silverstream asked thoughtfully. 'Nobody knows how they get spectra.' I swallowed. 'I'll explain that in a moment, but first I have to get something.' I said evasively and like lightning I shot into the air at a speed that could match Rainbow Dash. I flew straight to Cloudsdale to the Rainbow factory. There was a rope on the roof of the Rainbow factory. I knew the rope was connected to a bell in the factory. I flew over the roof as fast as I could and on the way I pulled hard on the rope. I turned around and flew back a little slower towards the lake. Fighting Blade, River Wing and their entire team caught up with me. 'Black Blue, what's wrong? Why do you sound the alarm bell?' asked Fighting Blade. 'My friends have discovered that I work in the Rainbow factory. According to the procedure...''You have to sound the alarm bell and bring the ponies in question to the factory as quickly as possible.' River Wing finished my sentence. I had a little pain in my heart. 'I lead the way I don't want them to know what I do before I tell them in the factory itself. Grab them on my mark.' I said. We were almost at the lake. I pulled off a small piece of a cloud and landed back for my friends. 'What did you had to get?' Asked Gallus. I showed the piece of cloud and they looked surprised. 'What does that have to do with making rainbows?' Silverstream asked. I didn't listen. I had given a nod to Fighting Blade and he, River Wing and their team flew towards us.

They surrounded my friends both on the ground and in the air. 'Who are you?' Asked Sandbar. 'What do ponies want from Yona?' Asked Yona. 'You'll see!' Said Fighting Blade and he pulled out a sword. 'Leave that, Fighting Blade. We need them alive.' Said River Wing. 'Alive and in one piece is not the same. Now we can make this difficult or you can come along voluntarily.' Said Fighting Blade. 'Come to where?' Asked Gallus. 'You'll see.' Said a light purple pony next to Fighting Blade. I thought her name was Lucy, but I wasn't sure. Lucy always scared me a bit. She was blind, but always knew exactly what happened around her. 'Don't think you can intimidate us just like that. We are not going anywhere.' Said Smolder. 'Why do they always have to choose  the hard way?' Said a blue pegasus not far from River Wing. It was T.T. I didn't know her full name, but everyone just called her T.T. I was surprised to see her here. Normally she was responsible for the maintenance of the pegasus device. The pegasi group shot at my friends and my friends did what they could to defend themselves, but there were too many.

I entered the room with the pegasus device. My friends were all provided with a leather strap around their chest. For Gallus, Silverstream and Smolder especially so that they couldn't use their wings. At Yona and Sandbar especially to chain them. There hung a chain from Sandbar's leather strap to Yona, from Yona to Smolder, from Smolder to Silverstream, from Silverstream to Gallus and from Gallus to a pole. Party Pizza hung on a separate chain on the pole. He was scared, curled up and didn't talk to the others. He was scared because he knew what awaited him. I was wearing my mask and my friends had no idea who I was. 'WHERE ARE WE? AND WHERE IS BLACK BLEU?' Shouted Smolder. 'Calm down, I'm just here.' I said as I took off my mask. The confusion could be seen on all of their faces. 'What? Black blue? Where are we? What is this?' Asked Sandbar. 'You're in Cloudsdale. The upperfloor of the Rainbow facility to be precise. Welcome to the Rainbow factory.' I said. 'Nice to know where we are, but why are we here?' Asked Gallus. 'You knew my secret. It's just a procedure. You're not supposed to know that I work here. Nobody should know. So we have to take care of that.' I said lightly. 'What are you going to do with us?' Silverstream asked. 'Normally the procedure says to give you the same treatment as the failures, but ...' I started. 'Ho Ho Wait. The failures?' Asked Gallus. 'Yes, failures. Like Party Pizza here. You solved it, Gallus. This is where all failures go. They're not sent away at all. We use them to make rainbows.' I said. 'Does that mean Ocellus is here?' Asked Sandbar. 'Jip, I'll go get her.' I said. I came back and threw Ocellus' wings on the floor in front of them. I saw their eyes widen. I saw confusion, fear, disbelief, sadness, anger, so many emotions. 'Um, how are rainbows made exactly?' Asked Yona. She was the only one to look back and now she looked a little anxiously at the pegasus device. 'I'll give a demonstration. That's why Party Pizza is here. I nodded to one of the workers and he released Party Pizza. He started screaming in fear. 'NO, PLEAS! I WILL DO EVERYTHING YOU WANT! I CAN DO THE FLIGHT TEST AGAIN! I WON'T FAIL! PLEASE GIVE ME A CHANCE!' He cried. My friends were clearly getting worried while the workers were hanging Party Pizza on the machine. 'Look how rainbows are made here.' I said and pulled the lever. Completely aware of the fact that my friends were watching behind me, I laughed while Party Pizza screamed in pain.

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