Chapter 11: The Dreamworld

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"Don't kill her" Naruto whispered to himself for the thousandth time. He tried making shadow clones and shield her but in some way or other Hinata died. Every now and then when he managed to attack to the enemy it would simply transform into Hinata, and he had to witness himself killing Hinata. So far it happened twenty times. But now it wasn't only Hinata, he saw Sasuke, Iruka sensei die too. It was just too much for him. He couldn't bear to see the dead bodies of the people he loved so dearly. Especially Hinata, whenever he saw her die it was as if a part of him died as well. He tried to summon Kurama but wasn't successful. At this point, all he could do was watch them die again and again in front of his eyes. I want this to stop, he felt so powerless, despite being the world's strongest ninja.

"Naruto, I can stop this. Just take my hand" came the same cold voice that has trapped him into his worst nightmare. Naruto couldn't think straight, he was in so much pain that his heart latched onto any kind of hope. He wanted this to end, he couldn't hold himself together anymore. He was about to give in when a very familiar voice came to his aid.

"Naruto" came the angel's voice he turned around to come face to face with a woman with bright red hair. Mom.

"It's time to wake up, honey," she said extending her hand towards him.

"NO!! Only I can stop your nightmare from becoming a reality. Only I can save that girl you love" yelled the cold voice. Naruto looked around in confusion. But when his mother smiled towards him without giving the cold voice a second thought Naruto took her hand.

"NOO!! I was so close" was the last thing that voice said before disappearing. Naruto's mom smiled towards him and he instantly broke down in sobs and hugged her.

"There, there honey let it all out okay?" she said as she massaged his back. "You are not real, are you?" Naruto asked when he calmed down a bit.

"Of course, I am real!! I'm your mother, dattebane!!" she yelled which made him chuckle. He felt warm and loved suddenly, the darkness he was in was changing into the sunlight. Those horrible dreams were now changing into sweet memories.

"That girl means a lot to you, doesn't she?" asked Kuhsina suddenly, making him blush a little.

"Yes..." Naruto replied trying to remove the image of her dead body from his mind, for some reason it was really easy to do. He could almost feel her presence inside him like she was sharing some part of herself with him.

"I told you to find a girl like me, looks like you found one" Kushina said taking his hand once again and smiled at him warmly before disappearing. He knew she wasn't real but her words struck a chord in his mind. And suddenly he was standing at the back of his academy class...

"If the world was to end tomorrow, who would you like to spend your day with?" asked Iruka, Naruto wasn't sure why he was seeing this but he looked around when a certain blue-haired girl caught his attention and he started walking towards her. He saw his younger self making a paper plane of the sheet and throw it outside the window and Iruka started scolding him. Naruto saw this drama unfold in from of him and he was amused when suddenly a burst of soft laughter caught his attention, again. Hinata was holding her paper in front of her satisfied with her answer. Naruto peeked at her answer and was shocked.

Uzumaki Naruto

Huh? Me? She wanted to spend her last day with me? Naruto was utterly shocked to see that.

"Naruto-kun" came Hinata's soft voice once again as the scenery around him changed. Chunin exams? He looked around and saw the 12-year-old version of him being offered ointment from Hinata, he remembered being all confused as to why was she showing him any kindness? "You are so dense" came Sakura's voice. Naruto looked around but he couldn't see her, she has definitely heard her say that to him a lot.

Once again, he found himself in between a conversation of present Sakura and Hinata inside a cafe.

"Ano.. I was thinking maybe it'll m-make him happy, giving him a surprise party. He s-seems a l-little down these days" Hinata said to Sakura.

"Aha, you are right!! We should definitely throw him a party" Sakura agreed, "and then YOU CAN GIVE HIM THE RED SCARF YOU'VE BEEN KNITTING!!!" Sakura exclaimed, which made Hinata go crimson red. "Hinata!! be more confident and you know what I think he's so dense- maybe he doesn't understand what love is?" Sakura said it more to herself than to Hinata. Even Naruto started staring at Sakura.

"What do you mean?" Hinata asked in a surprised voice.

"You know, I believe he thinks loving ramen and loving people is the same thing," Sakura said. They are not the same? Naruto thought, what does that mean...

He remembered his battle with Pain. He suddenly remembered her words, what she said before everything went dark.

"So I'm not afraid to die protecting you!! Because I love you, Naruto-kun" Naruto saw a 16-years old Hinata say that in front of him, when a paper came down flying down towards him. He caught it and it had his name written on it.

"When a person has something important, they want to protect... that's when they can become truly strong" came Haku's word and then Naruto looked at the sheet of paper he was holding. It was Hinata's answer. 

"If someone comes along and accepts you for who you are, no one could be more important to you than that person" came Haku's voice once again when Naruto was looking down towards the paper.

Hinata. Did she love me along? Even when everyone hated me? he thought. Something inside him felt warm like everything was suddenly crystal clear to him. That's right, Hinata loved me when I was nothing and come to think of it... Naruto started questioning himself. He started remembering all the times when he used to see her it made him feel at peace. He felt that he has an unknown desire to protect her from any harm, he remembered being lost and giving up his will to live when he saw Hinata stabbed by Pain. He remembered all those times when Hinata pulled him out of the darkness. He admitted that there was always something different when it comes to Hinata, he was always true to her. He trusted her. He never thought he needed a mask to hide from her as she always sees through it. He also knew that this was a feeling he has never felt before.

And his nightmare-ish world proved him right. Does that mean I love...her? As if a light bulb went out in his head, Naruto smiled. 

"Mom, you were right I did find someone like you. And I-I love her" he said out loud with a blush on his cheeks and a goofy smile on his face. He saw chakra forming a figure of a girl he has known to love and extending her arm towards him. He took it without questioning as she led him outside his unconscious state. 

Hey! So guys I put in a lot of effort in this one!!! I hope you enjoyed it.. now finally he knows he loves her YAAAYYYY. Let's see how is he going to confess!! I'm sorry for not adding MINATO!!

Comment & vote if you like!! Also now that I am starting college I won't be able to update this fast.

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